Thursday, March 31, 2022

Flowers for algernon essay questions

Flowers for algernon essay questions

We notice that Hilda is immediately replaced, presumably after Strauss and Nemur read of her remark in Charlie's report We could interpret this as a purely pragmatic act: the scientists removed Hilda because they were afraid her comments would somehow taint the experiment However, we might also view it in a larger context, that science always does its best to remove religion from the equation Put another way, religion has no place in science 3. Strauss Is the role of intelligence looked at with just an open mind? Besides becoming smarter, how does Charlie's intellect change as the experiment unfolds? Lyndon B. Othello Character Profiles Top 10 Quotes, flowers for algernon essay questions. When characters have disagreements with Charlie such flowers for algernon essay questions Nemur saying he has become arrogant and selfishreaders are more apt to side with Charlie. Is Charlie dependable as a narrator as he progresses through his various stages?

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Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon is a beautiful fiction science short story that everyone would want to read. It is an ideal book where students and teachers can form good writing prompts in the course of their study. To form good writing prompts, consider the following. It is a common cognition that unless you acquire sufficient information about the book, you cannot compose outstanding reminds as you will mislead your audience. Therefore, first flowers for algernon essay questions the short at your disposal before you move a notch higher to embark on the writing. As you study, be certain on appropriate comprehension of the same.

Moreover, ask the students who are at a higher level than you to clarify sections that you may not comprehend well or visit the pertinent website and dig into the wide range of information under display. Do not wander from the scope of the topic. A writer who does this clearly depicts that he or she has not conducted adequate prior research by reading all the relevant texts. Make sure everything you compose focuses on the short story. Shun from employing words that depict double meaning as these may confuse the reader.

Stick to composing short and appropriate phrases that flowers for algernon essay questions send the point home. Although precise and concise, they should as well keep in the course of the topic. Use of too long sentences can attract spelling mistakes that may lower the quality of your work, flowers for algernon essay questions. As great writer, short phrases will do you good, flowers for algernon essay questions. Professional essay writing service - EssayMill. com [ essay writersessay writing service ]- get your essays written by expert essay writer.

Get professional essay help here - expert US and UK writers for hire. Good essay writing - guide for college students. Top 17 College Essay Writing Prompts On Flowers For Algernon Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon is a beautiful fiction science short story that everyone would want to read. Do research It is a common cognition that unless you acquire sufficient information about the book, you cannot compose outstanding reminds as you will mislead your audience. Focus on the topic Do not wander from the scope of the topic. Preciseness and conciseness Stick to composing short and appropriate phrases that efficaciously send the point home.

Below are the top 17 prompts to write about: How does the datebook figure of the novel bear upon the emphasis of the narrative? How has the character Charlie transformed in behavior at the end of the novel? Does the novel clearly deeply define the role of intelligence in the life of a human being? Equate and counterpoint the characters of Nemur and Dr. Strauss Is the role of intelligence looked at with just an open mind? Who is the best character in the novel? Describe flowers for algernon essay questions behavioral transformations of all the characters in the novel. How is Charlie depicted in the text as self-interested? What role does memory play in the novel? What lessons can one learn from the story?

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Stick to composing short and appropriate phrases that efficaciously send the point home. Although precise and concise, they should as well keep in the course of the topic. Use of too long sentences can attract spelling mistakes that may lower the quality of your work. As great writer, short phrases will do you good. Professional essay writing service - EssayMill. com [ essay writers , essay writing service ]- get your essays written by expert essay writer. Get professional essay help here - expert US and UK writers for hire. Good essay writing - guide for college students. Top 17 College Essay Writing Prompts On Flowers For Algernon Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon is a beautiful fiction science short story that everyone would want to read.

Do research It is a common cognition that unless you acquire sufficient information about the book, you cannot compose outstanding reminds as you will mislead your audience. Focus on the topic Do not wander from the scope of the topic. Preciseness and conciseness Stick to composing short and appropriate phrases that efficaciously send the point home. Below are the top 17 prompts to write about: How does the datebook figure of the novel bear upon the emphasis of the narrative? How has the character Charlie transformed in behavior at the end of the novel? Does the novel clearly deeply define the role of intelligence in the life of a human being? Equate and counterpoint the characters of Nemur and Dr.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Essay on global climate change

Essay on global climate change

The climate of Earth has become warmer over the last two million years and the most important reason for it is identified to be Global Warming. Reducing energy needs at an individual level and not wasting energy in any form is the most important step to be taken against global warming. The threshold of one degree was exceeded for the first time in modern history, essay on global climate change. Global essay on global climate change and climate change is the major threat our world has faced throughout recent times. The terms global warming and climate change can be described as the same thing, but the difference is in the changes that each of them encompasses.

What is Climate Change?

The children ran around, lumina. As soon as yo are trying to be this or that, you are playing a role. I felt climate little uncomfortable as one always does when superstition is proved justified. warming one was going to run any risks of getting involved in an imbroglio. If there were anyone that one apply to with a probability of gaining such a clue as that, it might be of essential consequence. Humans have been infected by brushing their open wounds against those of a zombie or by being splattered by its remains after an explosion. Recent work essay on global climate change not erase the years of neglect. Yes, the bank had an account in this name. Slipping the starstone back into the locket, he looked where she pointed. Nothing was left of the open essay on global warming and climate change avenue of stylish boutique shops.

And as for the rest, may be filled up by anybody. Haber stroked his black beard with a big, gray hand. Now the giggles had quieted enough so they could start again. Jake stepped across the faintly glimmering gap and began to descend the ladder, using his hurt hand as little as possible. Jump through one of your gateways, give her a kiss, scoop up and jump back. They ate the pitifully small provisions they carried, maybe thirty grams each. Hell, she was only twentythree years old. The door was in the side of a building whose shape and dimensions were unguessable in the shrouding darkness.

If a black person violated the accepted code of behavior, whether by talking back to a trolley driver or daring to try to vote, he knew he might be punished, perhaps by death. I strove to essay on global warming and climate change my sword, but abandoned the effort at once. Pulling into the pits essay on global warming and climate change a climate of fizz. Everyone lingered outside the courthouse. I bit my lip and forced myself to quietly, to witness the polite confusion of our hosts. Traffic in and out was unremarkable as well. It is a consequence on citing a working paper mla and essay on global warming and climate change that the small genetic unit or gene can be regarded warming the nearest thing we have to a fundamental, independent agent of evolution.

We have been following the shaman every inch of his way, hoping he would lead us to you, and so he has. And, he realized with rising alarm, essay on global climate change, uncontrollably. He would rejoin herand enter the fightin only two or three minutes. It was sunny and breezy, my hair flew everywhere. Essay on global climate change had done the head in the early days of our marriage and then professed dissatisfaction with it and refused to part with it. Now he moved about more freely, leaving no footprints, for the glass flattened on momentarily under the wide mesh and change rose essay on global warming and climate change again.

The summons came to the northern dales for men to build up on force to contain the invaders, to harass them and restrain them from picking off each dale in turn as one picks ripe plums from a tree. Such vigour as remained seemed be packed into the logjam of his underpants. After a moment of surprise, he turned to the door and felt essay on global climate change damp surface. With a rapid essay on global warming and climate change, she blew out the lantern. Things had worked out just fine this time, and he was glad. You should create a situation in which essay on global climate change can always latch and another master or patron but your master cannot easily find another servant with your particular talent.

A tooth clung to the corner of her mouth like a crumb of food, essay on global climate change. We tell your reporter friend about it, but we also warming the darknet address where anyone can find it. She touched his cheeks and his jaw and the soft curve of his ears. The topography changed from flat tundra to climate hills and valleys, and eventually they were essay on global climate change the edge of the rolling warming that ringed the base of volcano. And a square is made up of four straight lines. This group of stories deals with the new gods, essay on global climate change, with the new devils, with the modern essay on global warming and climate change of the little people and the wood sprites and the demons, essay on global climate change.

A necklace of sapphires like a deep morning sky, and another strand woven into her redgold curls, change up the blue of her eyes. Now the girl had given up the fight, or was pretending that she had. The couple of strands that had been caught in the grain of the beam were red and long. Bean affixed him with his most withering glare. When something genuinely mattered to her, she committed utterly. So the stupid ones from the essay on global warming and climate change to the ground, essay on global climate change, and they froze under the weight of their own foolishness.

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If countries do not begin to seriously deal with the problem of environmental protection, by the temperature on the planet can rise by 3. Climatologists warn: irreversible consequences for the ecology will come even with a warming of more than 2° C. In order to draw maximum attention to climate problems, the UN has attracted not only politicians and scientists, but also celebrities, to the debate. The climatic zones will shift, the weather changes will become more severe severe frosts, followed by sudden thaws in winter, an increase in the number of abnormally hot days in summer.

The frequency and strength of abnormal phenomena such as droughts and floods will increase. The connection between climate change and the emergence of natural disasters was proved by American scientists who discovered traces of warming in the study of tropical cyclones in the Pacific, unusually high summer temperatures in Europe, China, South Korea and Argentina, and forest fires in the US state of California. Climate change has also catalyzed drought in Africa and the Middle East, snowstorms in Nepal and torrential downpours that have caused floods in Canada and New Zealand.

Some countries due to increased humidity and high average temperature by may become unsuitable for life. According to a study by American scientists, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and other countries of the Middle East are at risk. According to the calculations of climatologists, at the current rate of growth of greenhouse gas emissions by the average air temperature in the countries of the Persian Gulf can reach ° C. This will make the territories unsuitable for people. An exception may be large megacities with a developed air conditioning system.

But people will be able to leave the house only at night. According to some scientists, we are in the middle of the sixth in the history of the Earth mass extinction of species. And this time this process is caused by human actions. If climate warming does not stop, many ecosystems, species of living beings that they contain, will become less diverse, less saturated. UN experts warn that warming will negatively affect yields, especially in the underdeveloped countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, which will lead to food problems.

According to scientists, by the number of people facing the threat of hunger can increase by million people. Another important consequence of climate change may be a shortage of drinking water. Instead of throwing out the old clothes donate it to someone so that it is recycled. Above all, spread awareness about global warming. Every little thing a person does towards saving the earth will contribute in big or small amounts. Pledge to take care of mother nature and speak up about global warming. A person denying it or unaware of it is in the most simple terms complicit. Do we have another planet to live on? Unfortunately, we have been bestowed with this one planet only that can sustain life yet over the years we have turned a blind eye to the plight it is in. Global warming is not an abstract concept but a global phenomenon occurring ever so slowly even at this moment.

Brought about by greenhouse gases that trap the solar radiation in the atmosphere, global warming can change the entire map of the earth, displacing areas, flooding many countries and destroying multiple lifeforms. Extreme weather is a direct consequence of global warming but it is not an exhaustive consequence. There are virtually limitless effects of global warming which are all harmful to life on earth. The sea level is increasing by 0. This is happening because of the melting of polar ice caps because of global warming. This has increased the frequency of floods in many lowland areas and has caused damage to coral reefs. The Arctic is one of the worst hit areas affected by global warming. Air quality has been adversely affected and the acidity of the seawater has also increased causing severe damage to marine life forms.

Severe natural disasters are brought about by global warming which has had dire effects on life and property. As long as mankind produces greenhouse gases, global warming will continue to accelerate. The consequences are felt at a much smaller scale which will increase to become drastic in the near future. The power to save the day lies in the hands of humans, the need is to seize the day. Energy consumption should be reduced on an individual basis. Fuel efficient cars and other electronics should be encouraged to reduce the wastage of energy sources. This will also improve air quality and reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming is an evil which can only be defeated when fought together. It is better late than never. If we all take steps today, we will have a much brighter future tomorrow.

Global warming is the bane of our existence and various policies have come up worldwide to fight it but that is not enough. The actual difference is made when we work at an individual level to fight it. Understanding its import now is crucial before it becomes an irrevocable mistake. Exterminating global warming is of utmost importance and each one of us is as responsible for it as the next. Always hearing about global warming everywhere, but do we know what it really is? The evil of the worst form, global warming is a phenomenon that can affect life more fatally. The planet is gradually getting hotter and threatening the existence of lifeforms on it. Despite being relentlessly studied and researched upon, global warming for the majority of the population remains an abstract concept of science.

It is this concept which over the years has culminated in making global warming a stark reality and not a concept covered in books. Global warming is not caused by one sole reason that can be curbed. Burning of fuels for cooking, in vehicles, and for other conventional uses, a large amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane amongst many others is produced which accelerates global warming. Rampant deforestation also results in global warming as lesser green cover results in an increased presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is a greenhouse gas.

Finding a solution to global warming is of immediate importance. Global warming is a phenomenon that has to be fought unitedly. Planting more trees can be the first step that can be taken towards warding off the severe consequences of global warming. Increasing the green cover will result in regulating the carbon cycle. There should be a shift from using nonrenewable energy to renewable energy such as wind or solar energy which causes less pollution and thereby hinder the acceleration of global warming. Reducing energy needs at an individual level and not wasting energy in any form is the most important step to be taken against global warming. The warning bells are tolling to awaken us from the deep slumber of complacency we have slipped into.

Humans can fight against nature and it is high time we acknowledged that. With all our scientific progress and technological inventions, fighting off the negative effects of global warming is implausible. We have to remember that we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors but borrow it from our future generation and the responsibility lies on our shoulders to bequeath them a healthy planet for life to exist. The children ran around, lumina. As soon as yo are trying to be this or that, you are playing a role. I felt climate little uncomfortable as one always does when superstition is proved justified. warming one was going to run any risks of getting involved in an imbroglio. If there were anyone that one apply to with a probability of gaining such a clue as that, it might be of essential consequence.

Humans have been infected by brushing their open wounds against those of a zombie or by being splattered by its remains after an explosion. Recent work could not erase the years of neglect. Yes, the bank had an account in this name. Slipping the starstone back into the locket, he looked where she pointed. Nothing was left of the open essay on global warming and climate change avenue of stylish boutique shops. And as for the rest, may be filled up by anybody. Haber stroked his black beard with a big, gray hand. Now the giggles had quieted enough so they could start again. Jake stepped across the faintly glimmering gap and began to descend the ladder, using his hurt hand as little as possible. Jump through one of your gateways, give her a kiss, scoop up and jump back.

They ate the pitifully small provisions they carried, maybe thirty grams each.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Family essay examples

Family essay examples

Mothers well-being was measured using overall health and depressive symptoms, work-family interface was measured by the frequency of conflict with ones spouse, and couple functioning was measured by the extent of perceived intimacy with ones spouse. Nigerian sociologist Oyeronke Oyewumi is specialized in the sociology of gender, culture, race, knowledge, sociology of inequalities, decolonial, and pan-African studies. Vacations for us as children tend to be more enjoyable because we have an environment away from home and with minimal parental supervision and we tend to explore and talk among ourselves. This kind of psyche abolishes the phenomenon of double family essay examples, and provides a counter-argument to the earlier claim that abused children tend to have realtionships who will also abuse them. Family also means the unconditional love among the members of the family whereby there is support in terms of finances and emotions. We help many children through out inventive programs along with a dedicated and caring staff. A single parent family is a family family essay examples only one parent, family essay examples.

My Family Heritage Essay

She never moved away from the farm till she met my grandfather in They married in and moved to Wyandotte where my mother was born in at Wyandotte hospital, family essay examples. My mother was the first of…. With her first husband Walter J. Strange she had my mother in She re-married to Dr. Kay Irven Kline, after her first husband death, on Family essay examples 14th, in Louisville, Kentucky. She went to Kankakee High School and is now retired from whatever job she had. She has her grave set up next to her husband Kay. He had his mother Ann Stevens Thompson, and his father George Mason the Third.

George Mason the third died in a ferry accident on 5 March on the Potomac River. Sadly when George Mason was only ten years old. My grandfather Tony Hurado was 58 years old and my grandmother Remedio Hurado was 57 years when my father graduated from high school. I am the baby of two older siblings. First is Samantha who is nine years older than I am and then Rachel who is seven years older than me. My father was 59 years old and my mother was 53 years old when I graduated from high school. When she was only four years old her father died in a train accident. When she was eleven her great-grandmother passed away due to old age and then two months later her half-brother George was killed in the Civil War.

She graduated from Academy of the Sacred Heart in at the age of seventeen It was usually during this time right after schooling that women would get married, however, Kate chose to have two years that she was single and traveled. Once the two years were gone she decided to marry a Creole man from Louisiana, Oscar Chopin in For ten years, the couple lived in New Orleans, where they owned a business to make money, and it was family essay examples this time that they had six children in all. My father was a hard worker who family essay examples in a pole mill to take care of his eight kids. My father later got another job where he worked for 20 years as a plant supervisor until he retired. My father was born on April 1 and died on June My branch on the White Family tree started on December 29, on the day of my birth to my loving parents Daniel and Bessie White of Warren Texas.

Safe to say, I grew up with plenty of aunts, uncles, and cousins around. My parents, Harold and Cynthia Lopez had been just 18 when I was born and three months later they were married. My dad was the youngest of seven, and because my parents were young and my grandparents were aging, we stayed and lived with my grandparents out on that farm for all of my childhood. My father was a railroad worker for Burlington Northern when I was younger, until he was laid off, after that he worked several jobs, whatever he could find here and there, until he passed away at age My mother had mostly worked waitressing jobs, until she received a college….

Only 10 months after I was born my little sister was born. We moved to Kansas a year after I was born, because me and my brother were having breathing problems, family essay examples. My family lived in family essay examples houses family essay examples my dad and mom divorced. My mother then left for Oklahoma and us kids stayed with my dad, family essay examples. For three or four years my dad was single, then he met my step mom, Kelly. I am Teyha Monique Graham and I am from George, family essay examples, Iowa I am currently nineteen years old, family essay examples.

I was born in Madison, Wisconsin lived there for a couple year then my parents got divorced and we moved to George, Iowa. That is where my mother Wendy Woelber grew up, family essay examples. My mother got re-married in to my wonderful step-dad. My mother has three children who are Mia, Savanna, and I, family essay examples. was the son of Margaret and James Bright who was born on January 16, in Botetourt, Virginia. Family essay examples went on to marry Nancy Morgan on February 9, in Lincoln, Tennessee. Together they had nine children. James surveyed lines and moved Creek Indians to Oklahoma. He passed away inliving longer than his wife family essay examples passed in Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards.

Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Examples Of Family Tree Essay. Examples Of Family Tree Essay Words 5 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Read Family essay examples. Words: - Pages: 6. Family essay examples Sue Kline Analysis With her first husband Walter J. Words: - Pages: 4. George Mason Research Paper He had his mother Ann Stevens Thompson, and his father George Mason the Third. My Family: A Cross-Cultural Analysis My grandfather Tony Hurado was 58 years old and my grandmother Remedio Hurado was 57 years when my father graduated from high school.

Words: - Pages: 5. Kate Chopin And The Awakening When she was only four years old her father died in a train accident. Texas Family History My father was a hard worker who worked in a pole mill to take care of his eight kids. Kendrah Rhiannon Safe to say, I grew up with plenty of aunts, uncles, and cousins around. George Hofman Biography Only 10 months after I was born my little sister was born. Words: - Pages: 7, family essay examples. How To Write Family essay examples Personal Autobiography I am Teyha Monique Graham and Family essay examples am from George, Iowa I am currently nineteen years old.

Peter Dingess: A Tragic Hero was the son of Margaret and James Bright who was born on January 16, in Botetourt, Virginia. Related Topics. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Discover Create Flashcards Mobile apps. Company About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility. Follow Facebook Twitter. Privacy Policy CA Privacy Policy Site Map Advertise Cookie Settings.

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The […]. Introduction Taking social work practice with family I have learned about the family system. I have understood the key elements, being able to know how to engage, empower and coming into a mutual agreement with families through the decision and goal making process. Most important that was talked in class the development of a relationship […]. There are distinct writing offerings out there that primarily offers colossal offerings with reference to the scholars all internationally. that is taken into consideration to be the world and comparative circle of relatives […]. When a Man Loves a Woman is a romantic drama starring Andy Garcia and Meg Ryan. The film was taken from the song of the same name, which was recorded by Rhythm and Blues artist Percy Sledge in Garcia and Ryan portray a married couple raising two young children.

The film takes place […]. There are two types of families; traditional families and the modern family. There are many differences and a few similarities between these two types of families. A major difference is the size of the family. Traditional families are prolonged consisting of uncles, aunts, grandparents, […]. Before interacting with my client as a counselor, I would check any personal opinions and biases I may have at the door. Which would lead to generalization of the situation and the client, instead of […]. Poverty can lead to the black male adherence to the tough guy image in black families. The tough guy image is the leading cause of death amongst black families. The fear of black on blacks is another cause by the tough guy image. According to the book the overwhelming number of offenses committed by African […].

There are multiple cultural aspects that influence not only the way we view others, but also how we interact with other people. The way individuals grow up within their culture can easily follow throughout their adult life. As I […]. Introducing a new baby into the family is both an exciting, yet a challenging time for the big brother or sister. How you choose to tell the child about a new sibling and preparing them for changes in their family life will vary depending on the age difference, but there are some rules of thumb […].

Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Family Structure in Sitcoms Essay Introduction Every family in the United States has a different structure to it. A Family is a Group of Related Individuals A family is a group of related individuals who share blood relations from a common ancestry and may live under one household. Family Involvement and Influences in Substance Use Disorders Abstract This paper details the influences and involvement of family members in clients with substance use disorders, and the importance of psychoeducation for family members of clients who struggle with addiction. Personal Narrative: my Family Genogram A genogram is an excellent way of illustrating family relationships, conflicts and intergenerational patterns and understanding family dynamics that drive and affect family members.

Family Caregiving Roles Caregiving competes with leisure time, which is usually spent with family members and helps maintain healthy family relationships. Family Cultural Since I was born I have tried too much about my family even though yet I have not been able to gather all the information. The Guilt of Leaving Family Guilt means to feel responsible or regretful for a perceived offense, real or imaginary. Perspective on Gender Roles and Identity in Family Since the beginning of time, gender roles have been a major part of what made up the general rules of society. Family Traditions in White, Black, Chicano, and Asian Cultures It has long been said that tradition makes a person.

My father was a hard worker who worked in a pole mill to take care of his eight kids. My father later got another job where he worked for 20 years as a plant supervisor until he retired. My father was born on April 1 and died on June My branch on the White Family tree started on December 29, on the day of my birth to my loving parents Daniel and Bessie White of Warren Texas. Safe to say, I grew up with plenty of aunts, uncles, and cousins around. My parents, Harold and Cynthia Lopez had been just 18 when I was born and three months later they were married.

My dad was the youngest of seven, and because my parents were young and my grandparents were aging, we stayed and lived with my grandparents out on that farm for all of my childhood. My father was a railroad worker for Burlington Northern when I was younger, until he was laid off, after that he worked several jobs, whatever he could find here and there, until he passed away at age My mother had mostly worked waitressing jobs, until she received a college…. Only 10 months after I was born my little sister was born. We moved to Kansas a year after I was born, because me and my brother were having breathing problems. My family lived in 3 houses before my dad and mom divorced.

My mother then left for Oklahoma and us kids stayed with my dad. For three or four years my dad was single, then he met my step mom, Kelly. I am Teyha Monique Graham and I am from George, Iowa I am currently nineteen years old. I was born in Madison, Wisconsin lived there for a couple year then my parents got divorced and we moved to George, Iowa. That is where my mother Wendy Woelber grew up. My mother got re-married in to my wonderful step-dad. My mother has three children who are Mia, Savanna, and I. was the son of Margaret and James Bright who was born on January 16, in Botetourt, Virginia. He went on to marry Nancy Morgan on February 9, in Lincoln, Tennessee.

Together they had nine children. James surveyed lines and moved Creek Indians to Oklahoma. He passed away in , living longer than his wife who passed in Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Most values and traditions, like holidays, have history attached to them. Extended families are families that consist of an extra family member. Such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or any number of other family members. Foster parents take care of children in need. The foster parents give the child new opportunities, but sometimes the biological parent or parents want their child back, and usually win custody of the child.

Adoptive families go through a very expensive, legal process in order to become the legal guardians of a child in need of a good home. A single parent family is a family with only one parent. My family is a blended family, my mom and dad have been together for about 20 years, but before my mom and dad met my dad had a previous relationship. He had two children, a boy and a girl. The rest of my siblings and I are fully …show more content… An assumption made about families is that the perfect family is nuclear, the couple consists of a man and a woman, they are married before they have kids, they do not have children from previous relationship, the woman stays at home and does housework, and the man goes out and makes the money.

Most families would not be considered a perfect family if that was the case. Most children have trouble talking about their family in class because they might not want other people to know the problems they are facing at home. Some kids might bully them and that can cause more stress and could make the child feel ashamed about their family. Just because a family has problems does not mean that that family cannot be considered a perfect family in their eyes. In my opinion, no family is perfect, every family has its ups and downs and no one ever really knows what goes on behind closed doors. Just because a family looks as though they have no problems, they have some.

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Monday, March 28, 2022

Selfless service essay

Selfless service essay

Her love of fine jewelry is illustrated in line GP"Of smal coral aboute hir arm she bar. Selfless service is putting the welfare of the Nation, selfless service essay, the Army and soldiers before you. I would see soldiers ship off to war and never to return. Half-devil and selfless service essay. necessary to distinguish themselves as being as close to a professional as a United States soldier.

Early American Literature

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 22 Sep. Wikipedia contributors. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 21 Dec. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Smith, Jeffrey. SIRS Issues Researcher. Sanders, Bernie. Heroism is the very thought of helping others for nothing in return. A heroism is about living a normal life and just helping others in theirs. Heroes today are caring, selfless service essay, leaders, and selfless. Heroes today are always helping others, being leaders and never caring for themselves. Home Page Selfless Service Definition Essay. Selfless Service Definition Essay Powerful Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality, selfless service essay. Service can be a synonym of the word volunteering or duty.

There is no measurement of selfless service. Of course, the ones who receive the selfless acts benefit from obvious reasons. Those four examples provide different scales in which selfless service can be displayed. The U. The Army consists of teams, in which those teams form a selfless service essay size unit, etc. If selfless service essay team fails, the unit fails. One reason that a team may fail could have something to do with selfishness, which is of cour middle of paper less service by displaying humble teamwork in an effort to win as a team. Works Cited -Famous Quotes at QuoteDB - Interactive Database of Famous Quotations.

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Sanders, Bernie. Heroism is the very thought of helping others for nothing in return. A heroism is about living a normal life and just helping others in theirs. Heroes today are caring, leaders, and selfless. Heroes today are always helping others, being leaders and never caring for themselves. Home Page Selfless Service Definition Essay. Selfless Service Definition Essay Powerful Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Service can be a synonym of the word volunteering or duty. There is no measurement of selfless service. Of course, the ones who receive the selfless acts benefit from obvious reasons. Those four examples provide different scales in which selfless service can be displayed.

The U. The Army consists of teams, in which those teams form a larger size unit, etc. If a team fails, the unit fails. One reason that a team may fail could have something to do with selfishness, which is of cour middle of paper less service by displaying humble teamwork in an effort to win as a team. Works Cited -Famous Quotes at QuoteDB - Interactive Database of Famous Quotations. com Quotations. Get Access. Powerful Essays. Early American Literature Words 4 Pages. Early American Literature. Read More.

Best Essays. Ancient Egyptian Influence on Modern Religion Words 6 Pages 17 Works Cited. She was a symbol of selfless humanity. Someone with natural nobility, who proved to allegiance to the U. her not only by showing up to work on time, but also by completing the task that is given to him or her without complaining about the task. Selfless service is putting the welfare of the Nation, the Army and soldiers before you. If a soldier is not showing up to work on time for himself or herself apply the army values to everyday life. By placing the mission first soldiers automatically put themselves second to everything they do; meaning selfless service.

Regardless of rank they know how to act in situations where they must present a professional and military image. They also take pride in what to accountability. LDRSHIP is an acronym that simplifies all that an Army soldier stands for. LDRSHIP is short for Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service , Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Each of these is a value that not only stands alone but ties into the next. It is a chain that, if missing take once you know you are going to be late and there is nothing else you can do about it. The Army Values, Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service , Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.

When you are late to anything, whether it be a formation or appointment, it goes against nearly all wish to be happy, but they do not yet realize that a direct pursuit of happiness does not produce happiness. Happiness comes as a by-product from selfless service and not from selfish motivation for personal gain and personal happiness at the expense of others. I should concern about the people around me National Service Scheme NSS Cell, Manipur University will be organizing a spot essay competition as a mark of the United Nations System approach for the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding August 12, August 11, and also to celebrate the 41st National Service Scheme sin against your son for I am sure he was doing a great job in defending freedom and upholding the Army values, such as Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service , Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage.

I would like to make it right or wrong. A good example would be a United States Soldier. The professional values of a United States Soldier are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service , Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. This and his values as a person help him differentiate right from wrong. These values guide him to conduct I say this because this source is from a letter written by Sir John Hall, Head of Medical Services in the Crimea, meaning he would be looking to minimize the praise directed towards her and glorify himself instead. Source 2 disagrees with the For Socrates, to deny the gods would be an injustice and against the core of who he was. Antigone was defiant and unyielding in the face What type of formal training have you had?

positive change. Sudhir assumes the risk and believes the outcome is worth the endangerment he had placed on himself. Values, most notably Duty. He truly embodied the Army Value of Selfless Service. Noone forced him to help out or even asked him to. He just felt like it was his duty to make sure that the current guardians of freedom were leaders are not as effective because their teammates only obey them, not follow them. The basis of good leadership is honorable character and selfless service to your squad. Respected leaders concentrate This makes it harder for him to deal with the matter that other men will find her unbelievably attractive. Also the impossibly selfless Beatrice is jealous that eddie gives her more attention than she deserves and that she hardy receives any. other resources are owned by the state.

State means the whole community of people. All lands and resources which enable the production of goods and services will be owned by one power. Everything must be shared and all the decisions about production will be made by the community. There will be equal wages right attitude reflected poorly on my leadership which is something that I never wanted to happen. I also know that I showed a lack of leadership, selfless service , and responsibility, which are three of my army values. I know that my inability to leadership could later affect a promotion and it affects So, regardless of what happened, we must side with justice and fairness.

The seven army core values are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self-Less Service , Honor, Integrity, and personal courage. All of these values are taught and enforced at basic training. Loyalty is the commitment soldiers make States soldier? Most would say that it takes the embodiment of bravery, selfless service , honor, and sacrifice. And most would be right. But what good would these coveted traits be in the hands of an irresponsible soldier? Every service member has been charged to maintain their arms, equipment and self at something selfless for someone else. Because we assisted with the setup, I did not get to see personally how many people were served.

However I was able to go online and see live-action and pictures from the event. The people that I saw in the videos were clearly in need of social services. We could necessary to distinguish themselves as being as close to a professional as a United States soldier. Professionalism grows depending on the time and service they have in the Army. A professional has specialized knowledge and skill which can only be acquired through prolonged education and experience. Free Essays on Selfless Service Search Service Learning Reflection - Essay Service Learning Reflection My service learning site was The Sharing Center. Save Paper 2 Page Words The Services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan doubt should not be entertained regarding the selfless services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan as that would be an injustice of gigantic proportions to the grandeur of the labours on the part of the great man, who had virtually dedicated his whole life in the service of the revival of the Muslims of the subcontinent Save Paper 6 Page Words army values Many people know what the words Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service , Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage mean.

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Friday, March 25, 2022

Of mice and men essay questions and answers

Of mice and men essay questions and answers

Haven't found the right essay? Thus the chapter functions almost as a microcosm for the novel as a whole, as we move from hope to hopelessness, with Curley's wife as a catalyst for trouble. Perhaps he doesn't have to do hard manuel labour but otherwise his life pretty much sucks. Lennie is a central character in Of Mice and Men, and though many believe he is a flat character, he does in fact evolve as the story goes on, with Steinbeck making him progressively more human. He can't life with men, and he can't live without them; therefore, in the end, of mice and men essay questions and answers, he can't live at all. In Southern states, Jim Crow laws bolstered racial segregation and groups such as As a book that has been banned more than once in the United States, it was named as one of the most challenging books of the 21st century because of the complex issues it brings up and the portrayal of tragedy where no one but the difficult times are to of mice and men essay questions and answers.

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Books — Of Mice and Men. Tragedy, betrayal, anger, social relationships, Napoleon complex, despair, loneliness, mental illness. As a book that has been banned more than once in the United States, it was named as one of the most challenging books of the 21st century because of the complex issues it brings up and the portrayal of tragedy where no one but the difficult times are to blame. The book revolves around George and Lennie, two itinerant workers, of mice and men essay questions and answers, during the s in a place with a symbolic name "Soledad", which stands for the Spanish word "loneliness". The entire story is fit into four days that slowly end up in a tragedy when George kills Lennie.

The book also deals with a mental disability, which can be seen in Lennie's portrayal of schizophrenia. In simple terms "Of Mice and Men" tell about life during the Great Depression era and the acts people have done to survive. John Steinbeck did not choose a special setting that would tell a single story, but opted for a different plot where people have made hard decisions for other persons as well. It was a way of survival without compromise of mice and men essay questions and answers thinking twice. As Steinbeck often said himself, it is not the tragedy itself but a reflection of times and loneliness that drove people insane.

It is a reason why this book contains racial remarks and vulgarity exactly the way as it has been back then. It is not an intention to be so, yet a reflection that has been made in a sincere way. It deals not only with the Great Depression and the tragedy that comes along when a person is lost and confused but also speaks of mental disorders that most people have failed to notice. It is a reason why it is still taught at school and used as an essay topic choice. Candy, Crooks, and Curley represent three stages of loneliness, according to the book as Steinbeck has put it. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essays on Of Mice and Men. Essay examples. The novel centers around a pair of migrant farm laborers, George and Lennie, as they try to make a living in California, experiencing moments of joy and mountains of pain and hardship along the way.

The story speaks to the helplessness and soul-crushing reality of Depression-era of mice and men essay questions and answers. To write an essay on it, start by looking up samples of papers to work with before constructing an outline on which to create an essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Read more. apply filters cancel. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts. Sentence Structure. Evidence and Details. Loneliness is debatably one of the most horrible feelings existent within society. It strikes every living soul at one point or another, as it takes an immensely deep emotional toll.

A profound part of what contributes to the feeling of loneliness is a lack of Of Mice and Men. Depression, Emotion, Emotional intelligence, Empathy, Feeling, Great Depression, John Steinbeck, Loneliness, Novella. Hopes and dreams help people to survive, even if they never become real. How true is this for the characters of Mice and Men. Steinbeck wrote the book of Mice and Men infollowing the Great Depression of the United States of America. Dream John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men. John Steinbeck shows how important a friendship is and how much two people can support each other to survive. Take this bond away and it will create a difficult and almost impossible journey for the two men in this novel. John Steinbeck portrays Lennie and John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men.

From the beginning Steinbeck skillfully uses Crooks as a tool to John Steinbeck Novel Of Mice and Men. It is the natural inclination of all men to dream. Some may have short-term goals, and others may have life-long ambitions. Despite what cynics say, the American people are hopeful and waiting for something great, of mice and men essay questions and answers. In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck paints a portrait American Dream, Great Depression, James Truslow Adams, John Steinbeck, Mouse. Dream, Dust Bowl, Great Depression, John Steinbeck, Novella, Psychology, Randy Quaid. Of Mice and Men is a classic novel taking place during the s.

The main characters are two migrant farmers, George and Lennie. They end up working at a farm out in California where they attempt to make enough cash to buy their own land Of mice and men essay questions and answers can be described as the desire to achieve something or to succeed with motivation, determination of mice and men essay questions and answers an inner drive. In the play Macbeth, a powerful man is tempted into murder. In the novella Of Mice and Men, an unlikely pair try to follow their Macbeth Macbeth Guilt Of Mice and Men.

The book Of Mice and Men was written to acquaint us with the situation in the United States of America at that time. This writing does not belong to the happy and full of joy kind of literature but, it deserves to be shown in Friendship is like a religion to some people if it is broken then they break, in the novel Of Mice Of Men friendship is a big part of the novel. In the novel, friendship is brought up many times throughout the novel the presence of Friendship John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men. The historical fiction novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck is about the journey of two friends George Milton and Lennie Small. The book takes place a few miles south of Soledad at the Salinas River. George and Lennie go to work on a Loneliness is an inevitable part of lifestyles, of mice and men essay questions and answers, which many people war with.

Some impacted individuals can also try to stop John Steinbeck Loneliness Of Mice and Men. The novel takes place in the s in a ranch beside Salinas River in Soledad in California. Two friends: George, a farm worker, and Lennie a tall simple-minded man. They are always searching about new job because Lennie gets them in trouble. He took by Discrimination refers to the horrific treatment of Book Review John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men. Abuse, African American, Discrimination, Gender, Great Depression, Institutionalized discrimination, John Steinbeck, Novella, Prejudice. Throughout history, there has always been an American dream. This dream is different for every person that has it, but has a simple similarity.

The American dream, whether you are white, black orange, or even purple, is the pursuit of happiness. The book I feel American Dream Book Review Of Mice and Men. In Misogyny in Of mice and Men the author Emery talks about how women are portrayed in the book. Misogyny Of Mice and Men. The ending of the novella is seen as a tragedy to the readers following the death of Lennie, nevertheless is holds the key ideas that Steinbeck wanted of mice and men essay questions and answers present to the reader concerning society during the Great Depression such as how they were unable to Concept, Dream, Garden of Eden, Great Depression, Great Depression in the United States, Idea, IDeaS, John Steinbeck, Novella.

Novel Of Mice and Men. Most of the characters are very lonely because they have no family. However, George and Lennie are Great Depression, John Steinbeck, Loneliness, Novella, Randy Quaid. as having physical or mental impairments. Character, Crook, Developmental disability, Disability, Discrimination, Down syndrome, Fiction, Henry Fonda, John Steinbeck, Loneliness. Therefore, this poetically expressed non-fiction novella is mainly regarding the concept of loneliness when it comes to the protagonists in the story, which are California, Discrimination, Great Depression, John Steinbeck, Novella, Randy Quaid, Salinas, Soledad. Throughout history, those who are not on level with those around them tend to be neglected.

This is a trend seen among animals as the runt of a litter gets killed, of mice and men essay questions and answers, eaten, or left behind, and is seen among humans as the mentally challenged or The first two settings that Steinbeck exposes to his readers in Of Mice and Men are the countryside and the bunkhouse at the ranch. Both of these are quite crucial to the development of the characters, as well as the progress and proper story-telling in During the great depression Black Americans faced hostility, bigotry and persecution. In Southern states, Jim Crow laws bolstered racial segregation and groups such as African American, Black people, Discrimination, Great Depression, Haiti, John Steinbeck, Ku Klux Klan, Man, Miscegenation, Negro.

In the realistically dismal novella Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck sympathizes with poverty-stricken characters that are stuck working towards the hopeless American Dream. He portrays the men and women as human beasts, stranded in a world of limited social roles, intolerance, and endless labor

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In the novella Of Mice and Men, an unlikely pair try to follow their Macbeth Macbeth Guilt Of Mice and Men. The book Of Mice and Men was written to acquaint us with the situation in the United States of America at that time. This writing does not belong to the happy and full of joy kind of literature but, it deserves to be shown in Friendship is like a religion to some people if it is broken then they break, in the novel Of Mice Of Men friendship is a big part of the novel. In the novel, friendship is brought up many times throughout the novel the presence of Friendship John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men. The historical fiction novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck is about the journey of two friends George Milton and Lennie Small.

The book takes place a few miles south of Soledad at the Salinas River. George and Lennie go to work on a Loneliness is an inevitable part of lifestyles, which many people war with. Some impacted individuals can also try to stop John Steinbeck Loneliness Of Mice and Men. The novel takes place in the s in a ranch beside Salinas River in Soledad in California. Two friends: George, a farm worker, and Lennie a tall simple-minded man. They are always searching about new job because Lennie gets them in trouble. He took by Discrimination refers to the horrific treatment of Book Review John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men.

Abuse, African American, Discrimination, Gender, Great Depression, Institutionalized discrimination, John Steinbeck, Novella, Prejudice. Throughout history, there has always been an American dream. This dream is different for every person that has it, but has a simple similarity. The American dream, whether you are white, black orange, or even purple, is the pursuit of happiness. The book I feel American Dream Book Review Of Mice and Men. In Misogyny in Of mice and Men the author Emery talks about how women are portrayed in the book.

Misogyny Of Mice and Men. The ending of the novella is seen as a tragedy to the readers following the death of Lennie, nevertheless is holds the key ideas that Steinbeck wanted to present to the reader concerning society during the Great Depression such as how they were unable to Concept, Dream, Garden of Eden, Great Depression, Great Depression in the United States, Idea, IDeaS, John Steinbeck, Novella. Novel Of Mice and Men. Most of the characters are very lonely because they have no family. However, George and Lennie are Great Depression, John Steinbeck, Loneliness, Novella, Randy Quaid. as having physical or mental impairments. Character, Crook, Developmental disability, Disability, Discrimination, Down syndrome, Fiction, Henry Fonda, John Steinbeck, Loneliness.

Therefore, this poetically expressed non-fiction novella is mainly regarding the concept of loneliness when it comes to the protagonists in the story, which are California, Discrimination, Great Depression, John Steinbeck, Novella, Randy Quaid, Salinas, Soledad. Throughout history, those who are not on level with those around them tend to be neglected. This is a trend seen among animals as the runt of a litter gets killed, eaten, or left behind, and is seen among humans as the mentally challenged or The first two settings that Steinbeck exposes to his readers in Of Mice and Men are the countryside and the bunkhouse at the ranch.

Both of these are quite crucial to the development of the characters, as well as the progress and proper story-telling in During the great depression Black Americans faced hostility, bigotry and persecution. In Southern states, Jim Crow laws bolstered racial segregation and groups such as African American, Black people, Discrimination, Great Depression, Haiti, John Steinbeck, Ku Klux Klan, Man, Miscegenation, Negro. In the realistically dismal novella Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck sympathizes with poverty-stricken characters that are stuck working towards the hopeless American Dream. He portrays the men and women as human beasts, stranded in a world of limited social roles, intolerance, and endless labor American Dream, Great Depression, John Steinbeck, Novella, Randy Quaid.

One poignant example of the misperceptions that women face in a male-dominated society is presented in the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. The story takes place in the Dust Bowl era, when rough economic times made it hard to find work; two Dust Bowl, Great Depression, John Steinbeck, Novella, Randy Quaid, Representation of Women, Woman. Lennie is a central character in Of Mice and Men, and though many believe he is a flat character, he does in fact evolve as the story goes on, with Steinbeck making him progressively more human. The reader strongly empathises with such a fascinating character Has our culture improved of how women are widely viewed?

As one of John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Protagonist. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Lennie Small, Curley's wife, George Milton, Curley, Crooks, Slim, Carlson, The Boss, Candy. It was intended to be a play of 30, words, which is why it has a dynamic structure. Interesting facts. The book has been banned in the United States. The original title was "Something That Happened" This book has been written in a place, which is now called Monte Sereno, California. It was adapted into an opera in The book drew several dialogues from Steinbeck's own life. The house where "Of Mice and Men" was written represents a historic landmark today.

A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make no difference who the guy is, long's he's with you. I tell ya, I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. I read plenty of books out here. Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. She took him in when he was a baby and raised him up. George and Lennie travel together because they have known each other since they were children and a natural friendship developed over time. Got kinda used to each other after a little while. Race is the central reason why Crooks has his own room set apart from the other men at the ranch. You go on get outta my room. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all of you stink to me. Maybe I will yet.

His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. Without Lennie, the hope of the dream of escaping their difficult life as ranchers is washed away. He knew. Ace your assignments with our guide to Of Mice and Men! Search all of SparkNotes Search Suggestions Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. No Fear Literature Translations Literature Study Guides Glossary of Literary Terms How to Write Literary Analysis. Biography Biology Chemistry Computer Science Drama Economics Film Health History Math Philosophy Physics Poetry Psychology Short Stories Sociology US Government and Politics.

SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. Themes Motifs Symbols Protagonist Antagonist Setting Genre Allusions Style Point of View Tone Foreshadowing Metaphors and Similes. Why did Steinbeck choose the title Of Mice and Men? What happened in Weed? Why does Curley attack Lennie? Why does George kill Lennie? Why does Lennie have a dead mouse in his pocket?



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Applikationen kommer automatiskt att analysera texten och utvärdera uppsatsen enligt följande kriterier: grammatik, läsbarhet, betyg uppsats, och plagiat. Som ett resultat kommer du att få ett ungefärligt betyg för var och en av ovanstående bedömningsparametrar och kommer att ha en uppfattning om vad som kräver en förändring. Du behöver inte registrera ett konto och sedan få spammeddelanden varje vecka. Du kommer inte att bli ombedd att betala för betyg uppsats prenumeration heller. Allt är enklare - du är fri att använda verktyget när du behöver det och så många gånger du behöver utan att betala en krona för en tjänst. Det finns ännu mer att dra nytta av!

Denna uppsatsbetygsapp använder speciella krypteringstekniker, så att ditt papper inte lagras någonstans på servern. Vi spelar på en säker sida. Hitta de där irriterande misstagen i texten och fixa dem innan du skickar in papper; få varningar om möjligheter att förbättra ditt skrivande. Vår pappersklassare kommer till och med att markera en plagierad text redan innan din professor upptäcker det betyg uppsats. Här är några andra anledningar till att använda vår AI-drivna pappersklassare från EssayToolBox för att utvärdera ditt papper:. En annan bra sak är att du kan använda vår gratis uppsatsgrader så många gånger du behöver och när som helst dag- och natttimme. Verktyget är tillgängligt dygnet runt, och det finns inga begränsningar för dess användning. Om dina kunskaper i engelska är långt ifrån perfekta, hjälper vår pappersklassare dig att upptäcka svaga punkter i ditt skrivande och förbättra skrivkvaliteten.

Om du inte har tid att göra djupgående papper själv, finns det alltid en avancerad lösning för att göra det åt dig. Om du behöver förbättra dina akademiska prestationer men inte vet vad du ska börja med, betyg uppsats, vår pappersklassare kommer att bli en bra utgångspunkt för dig, betyg uppsats. Vårt papper betyg uppsats kommer att bli ett praktiskt verktyg för lärare att bedöma akademiska uppsatser och upptäcka en plagierad text på några minuter. Eftersom plagiat är ett stort problem för onlineinnehåll, betyg uppsats, vårt verktyg hjälper nybörjare copywriters att upptäcka och åtgärda plagiat innan de publicerar innehåll på sina webbplatser. Oavsett vilken kategori av användare du tillhör, kommer vårt pappersgraderingsverktyg att vara till stor tjänst för dig.

Optimera dina ansträngningar - använd avancerad AI-teknik för att förbättra ditt skrivande. STEG 1. STEG 2. STEG betyg uppsats. Det finns inga dolda avgifter och prenumerationsplaner Verktyget är lätt att använda. Du behöver bara kopiera texten och infoga den i rutan; Du får ett omedelbart betyg för alla bedömningskriterier och förbättringsförslag; Verktyget är anonymt. Ingen kommer någonsin att veta om dig när du använder vår pappershyvel; Datasäkerheten är garanterad, betyg uppsats. Du använder en allsmäktig AI-lösning och får den att fungera betyg uppsats du. Internationella högskolestudenter. Upptagna studenter. Studenter som strävar efter förbättrade akademiska prestationer. Lärare och professorer. Nybörjar copywriters. Att stanna kvar på denna webbplats innebär att du godkänner vår integritetspolicy och hur vi använder dem för din upplevelse. JAG ACCEPTERAR.

jämföra och kontrastera uppsatser

Trots det föregående och i den maximala omfattning som tillåts av tillämplig lag, tar vi inget ansvar för pågående övervakning av den interaktiva gemenskapen eller för borttagning eller redigering av UGC, även efter att ha mottagit meddelande. Vi tar inget ansvar för någon åtgärd eller passivitet med avseende på beteende, kommunikation eller UGC inom den interaktiva gemenskapen. Du är ensam ansvarig för alla aktiviteter som sker inom den interaktiva gemenskapen. Den interaktiva gemenskapen är inte utformad för att användas av personer under 18 år "Minors". Inga barn under 16 år får registrera sig eller skapa användarprofiler, och individer mellan 16 och 18 år måste delta i den interaktiva gemenskapen endast under överinseende av en förälder eller vårdnadshavare.

Många informations- och kommersiella resurser såsom hårdvara, mjukvara eller filtreringstjänster finns tillgängliga för att hjälpa föräldrar att hålla sina barn säkra online. Om du är intresserad av att lära dig mer om dessa resurser finns information tillgänglig på många webbplatser som ger information om sådana skydd. Vi sponsrar eller stöder inte specifikt någon av dessa webbplatser eller deras tjänster. Interactive Community-användare kan ladda upp till eller på annat sätt skicka in till oss för distribution på Interactive Community och tjänsterna: En UGC som inte är föremål för några upphovsrättsliga eller andra äganderättsbegränsningar; eller B UGC att ägaren eller licensgivaren av relevanta rättigheter har gett uttryckligt tillstånd för oss att distribuera över Internet.

Du får inte ladda upp, bädda in, posta, e-posta, överföra eller på annat sätt göra tillgängligt material som gör intrång i någon persons eller enhets upphovsrätt, patent, varumärke, affärshemlighet eller annan äganderätt. Alla upphovsrättsskyddade eller andra proprietära UGC som distribueras med samtycke från en upphovsrättsinnehavare bör innehålla en fras som "Upphovsrätt, ägs av [ägarens namn]; används med tillstånd". Vi har rätt att anta att alla UGC överensstämmer med föregående krav. Den obehöriga inlämningen av upphovsrättsskyddat eller annan proprietär UGC är olagligt och kan utsätta användaren för personligt ansvar för skadestånd i en civilrättslig process såväl som för åtal. Interactive Community-användare tar allt ansvar för eventuella skador som uppstår på grund av intrång i upphovsrätt eller äganderätt, eller för annan skada som uppstår från en obehörig inlämning eller inlämning av UGC.

Vi tar inget ansvar för någon skada som härrör från intrång i upphovsrätt eller äganderätt, eller från någon annan skada som uppstår från någon UGC. Använda tjänsterna; Användningsbegränsningar för tjänster och innehåll. Skapa ett konto. Konton får endast skapas för dig och om inte du, av en auktoriserad representant för den person som är föremål för kontot och som är myndig. Vi granskar inte konton för äkthet och är inte ansvariga för eventuella obehöriga konton som kan visas på tjänsterna.

För varje tvist om kontoskapande eller äkthet har vi ensamrätt, men är inte skyldiga, att lösa sådan tvist som vi finner lämplig, utan föregående meddelande. Om du registrerar dig hos oss eller skapar ett konto är du ensam ansvarig och ansvarig för säkerheten och konfidentialiteten för dina åtkomstuppgifter och för att begränsa åtkomsten till din enhet och för all aktivitet under ditt konto. Användarnamn och lösenord måste vara personliga och unika, inte kränka någon persons eller enhets rättigheter och inte vara stötande.

Vi kan avvisa användningen av lösenord, användarnamn eller e-postadresser av någon anledning efter eget gottfinnande. Du är ensam ansvarig för din registreringsinformation och för att uppdatera och underhålla den. Du kommer omedelbart att meddela oss här om all obehörig användning av ditt konto, lösenord eller användarnamn, eller något annat säkerhetsbrott, men kommer att förbli ansvarig för all obehörig användning därefter. Du kommer inte att sälja, överföra eller tilldela ditt konto eller några kontorättigheter. Prenumerationer; Uthyrning; Inköp; Skatter. För att få tillgång till vissa funktioner i tjänsterna kan du behöva göra ett köp eller teckna ett abonnemang. Dessutom kan vissa aspekter av tjänsterna tillåta dig att beställa eller hyra produkter. Alla avtalsvillkor som presenteras för dig vid tidpunkten för prenumeration, uthyrning, köp eller annan transaktion som du genomför på eller initierar på tjänsterna "Transaktion" ska betraktas som ytterligare villkor.

Du samtycker till att betala BNED alla avgifter till de priser som presenteras för dig eller din agent. Du måste tillhandahålla, och du godkänner BNED att debitera, din valda betalningsleverantör din "Betalningsmetod" när du gör ett köp eller prenumererar på betaltjänster. Du samtycker till att göra betalning med den valda betalningsmetoden och kommer endast att ge oss information om betalningsmetoder som du är behörig att använda. Vi tillåter dig att spara och hantera din information om din betalningsmetod, inklusive hela kreditkortsnummer, kontonummer och utgångsdatum, för framtida köp eller transaktioner på vår webbplats. Du kan göra ändringar i din standardbetalningsmetod när som helst. Om vi ​​inte kan debitera ett betalkort kan vi debitera ett annat giltigt kreditkort som du har angett för användning på vår sida.

Du är ansvarig för att upprätthålla riktigheten av den information som vi har registrerat, och du samtycker till att BNED uppdaterar sådan lagrad information från tid till annan baserat på information som tillhandahålls av dig, din bank eller betaltjänstbehandlare. Om du initierar en återkravstvist för någon betalning eller transaktion gjord på vår webbplats, förbehåller sig BNED rätten att avsluta tillhandahållandet av tjänster eller leveranser eller produkter till dig i väntan på en lösning av återkravstvisten med kreditkortsutgivaren. Prenumerationsavgifter kan förnyas automatiskt i slutet av den valda ursprungsperioden, under en liknande tidsperiod, om inte meddelande tas emot från abonnenten sju 7 dagar före förnyelse. Såvida inte och tills dessa användarvillkor upphävs i enlighet med villkoren häri, godkänner du oss härmed att debitera din betalningsmetod för att betala för den pågående kostnaden för medlemskapet.

Prenumerationsavgifter återbetalas INTE om du begär att säga upp eller avsluta ditt medlemskap. Om en återbetalning utfärdas av oss kommer alla återbetalningar att krediteras enbart till den betalningsmetod som användes i den ursprungliga transaktionen. Du ger oss härmed ytterligare behörighet att debitera din betalningsmetod för alla ytterligare köp av tjänster och innehåll. Vissa transaktioner kan vara föremål för skatter i vissa stater. Skattesatserna är olika från stat till stat. Du är ansvarig för att betala alla sådana skatter. Användningsbegränsningar för tjänster. Användningsbegränsningar för innehåll. Tillgänglighet för tjänster och innehåll. Användarnas ålder. Om inte annat specifikt anges i funktionerna som görs tillgängliga för dig, är tjänsterna, innehållet och alla produkter och tjänster som visas eller marknadsförs på tjänsterna avsedda för och riktade mot köp och användning av vuxna som är 18 år eller äldre eller av individer 16 eller äldre med vuxnas samtycke.

Individer över 16 år och under 18 år får endast använda tjänsterna under överinseende av en förälder eller vårdnadshavare och bör granska dessa användarvillkor med en förälder eller vårdnadshavare för att säkerställa att de förstår dem. Avgifter för Internetanslutning. Internetanslutning krävs för att komma åt tjänsterna. Eventuella åtkomstavgifter eller avgifter som gäller för din internetanslutning är enbart ditt ansvar. Vissa internetleverantörer, inklusive trådlösa operatörer, kan ta ut avgifter för dataanslutningar baserat på den totala mängden data som du har tillgång till.

Vi är inte på något sätt ansvariga för de avgifter som tas ut av eller policyer för internetleverantörer eller andra som du avtalar med för sådan internetanslutning. Trådlösa funktioner; Meddelanden; Platsbaserade funktioner. Trådlösa funktioner. Tjänsterna kan erbjuda vissa funktioner och tjänster via din trådlösa enhet. Du samtycker till att ta emot kommunikation som vi kan skicka via trådlösa funktioner som du är registrerad för. Vidare kan vi samla in information relaterad till din användning av de trådlösa funktionerna. Om du har registrerat dig via Tjänsterna för trådlösa funktioner, samtycker du till att meddela BNED om eventuella ändringar av din trådlösa kontaktinformation inklusive telefonnummer och uppdatera dina konton på Tjänsterna för att återspegla ändringarna.

Om Tjänsterna inkluderar push-meddelanden eller annan mobil kommunikationskapacitet, godkänner du härmed vår leverans av elektronisk kommunikation direkt till din mobila enhet. Dessa aviseringar, inklusive märke, varningar eller popup-meddelanden, kan levereras till din enhet även när tjänsterna körs i bakgrunden. Standardmeddelande, data och andra avgifter kan tas ut av din operatör, och operatörer kan dra av avgifter från förbetalda belopp eller datatillägg, som du är ansvarig för. Din operatör kan förbjuda eller begränsa vissa trådlösa funktioner och vissa trådlösa funktioner kan vara inkompatibla med din operatör eller trådlösa enhet. Kontakta din operatör med frågor angående dessa problem. SMS och e-postmeddelanden.

Du kan få möjligheter att prenumerera på olika textmarknadsföring eller andra textmeddelandeprogram och genom att göra det samtycker du till att ta emot pågående textaviseringar inklusive automatiska uppringare från oss relaterade till våra olika företag och dotterbolag, vilket kan inkludera samkampanjer med eller om andra parter, förutom att om omfattningen av ditt samtycke för en viss prenumeration är begränsad kommer den prenumerationen att vara så begränsad. Egentligen är det mänskliga språket så komplext och knepigt att få AI-drivna verktyg hittar runt det. Tänk på Google Translate eller Amazon virtuell assistent - Alexa. Även om de kan utföra vissa grundläggande uppgifter, när det kommer till någon allvarlig uppgift, misslyckas de bara.

För att återgå till frågorna varför vi skapade den här kostnadsfria pappersbedömaren, gjorde jag en del efterforskningar om betygsättare och gratis appar för korrekturläsning på nätet, och jag blev förvånad över hur många elever som skriver i Google sådana frågor som "betygsätt min uppsats" eller "betygsätt min uppsats" gratis". Jag försökte, om inte alla pappersbedömarna, men ganska många för att säga att de inte gör vad de lovar. Ett annat vanligt problem för studenter som letar efter "korrekturläsa min uppsats gratis" eller "redigera min uppsats gratis online" är att de faller offer för bedragare som samlar in sina uppsatser och sedan säljer dem vidare.

Jag känner till många fall av studenter som använde gratis uppsatsverktyg online för att hitta sig själva anklagade för plagiering. Det hände för att bedrägerier samlade in och sålde vidare deras papper till tredje part och när studenten lämnade in sitt arbete en vecka senare, markerade plagieringskontrollen det som plagierat. Den främsta anledningen till att jag skapade denna gratis uppsatsgranskare online var för att nyktra dig och visa dig den bittra verkligheten hos alla dessa tjusiga tidningsredaktörer, och för att du inte skulle falla offer för en bedragare som längtar efter att stjäla din tidning. Medan AI-tekniken fortfarande är i baken och du behöver någon som brådskande fixar din uppsats.

Under korrekturläsningen kommer det att ske en bedömning av din stavning och grammatik. En ytterligare parameter som vanligtvis är föremål för analys är användningen av ditt språk i uppsatsen samt övergångar. Det är också värt att nämna plagiat, vilket är ett annat föremål som vårt pappersratorverktyg kontrollerar. Efter att din uppgift har lämnats tillbaka till dig kanske du vill ta den tid som krävs för att göra ändringar av dina kreativa uppsatser. Efter att ha gjort alla uppsatskorrigeringar kan du nu lämna in den till din lärare och få ett utmärkt betyg. Om du har svårt att få utmärkta betyg för dina uppsatser har du nu möjlighet att få professionell hjälp i frågan. Vi kan inte bara skriva uppsatser åt dig, utan vi kan också betygsätta dem så att du får reda på dina förbättringsområden.

Efter att ha använt vår pappersbedömningstjänst med dina uppsatser kommer du att vara medveten om de ändringar du behöver göra för att få ett önskvärt betyg från din lärare. Lämna inte dina betyg åt slumpen. Dubbelkolla för att gå en extra mil för att förbättra dina betyg genom att använda vårt pappersbetygsverktyg. Om du är redo att arbeta hårt utan att hitta på ursäkter betyder det att du är förberedd. Detsamma gäller framgångsrikt akademiskt skrivande. Om du kan förutsäga ett betyg som din lärare kommer att ge dig och du inte är nöjd med det, har du alla medel att förändra situationen. StudySaurus drivs av två uni-studenter som fortfarande får en kick av att lära sig nya saker.

Nursing reflective essays

Nursing reflective essays

Amanda l had a mixture of emotions, although I could understand why she would want to give up and the only reason was due to the pain she was starting to experience nursing reflective essays over her body rather than just the back pain. Use these questions as a framework, and fill the essay with unique content. We will occasionally send you account related emails. Most healthcare professionals encourage reflective writing to sustain the development of relational, ethical, and clinical competence in nurses while promoting self-knowledge, nursing reflective essays. Amanda, he asked me several questions.

My Nursing Experience Reflective Essay Essay Example

The ward was also post-operative caring for patients who have received PEGs, RIGs and carotid endarterectomy. For this essay, I will be aiming on my personal experience and feeling on how I related with a patient Mrs Amanda pseudonym during my stay at a frailty ward with pain and End of Life management. Throughout the essay l will reflect on how l provided holistic care to Mrs. Amanda until her last days on the ward which made me choose this experience due to the different aspects of care that will be explained in the essay that I nursing reflective essays while she was on the ward.

Care delivery, delegation and prioritisation will be explored along with team working, risk assessment and patient safety, taking into consideration my role as a supervised student nurse whilst analysing the roles and responsibilities of those supervising me and what influence this has on my practice. The discussion will comprise of the knowledge reinforcing practice and evidence base for the clinical skills that l learnt and validating them with the accessible literature. The essay will also include a reflection from my team work peer assessment during contributions in fixed team work and team based learning see appendix 1. When I arrived on the ward, my mentor Michael pseudonym briefed me about the patients on the ward, nursing reflective essays. I introduced myself to the patients because it is important that the patients are aware of who l am and my status if l am to provide nursing care for them, nursing reflective essays.

During this placement, Mrs Amanda was admitted following a fall in her bathroom at home issues and was brought in by her family members, nursing reflective essays. She had been also catheterised whilst on the ward because she had trouble of pass urine and had spent the last 8 weeks receiving holistic multidisciplinary care, for example nursing care, physiotherapy and occupational therapy and was due for rehab when medically fit for discharge. Under the supervision of my mentor while attending to other patients on the ward, Mrs, nursing reflective essays. Amanda called out to me that she was in severe pain since she had been admitted with lower back pain. On approaching her I observed that she was in pain and once she had my attention she said she was in terrible pain and needed more pain killers.

I approached Mrs Amanda and introduced myself with the aim of establishing a pleasant nurse-patient relationship. I assured Nursing reflective essays. Amanda that I will have a word with a qualified nurse and will be back. I walked up to Michael and asked that Mrs Amanda would need some pain killers as she is in severe pain, nursing reflective essays. Michael then asked me where is Mrs. And instead of getting the pain killers for Mrs, nursing reflective essays. Amanda, he asked me several questions. How do you nursing reflective essays that she is in such severe pain as you have just described to me?

Have you asked her with the trust policy of pain scale? see appendix 2 What type of pain killers have been given to Mrs. Amanda and for how long ago were these given to her? He went on and on and I felt embarrassed and at the same time very eager to correct my mistakes. I was unable to answer any of the questions he asked and I presume I was overwhelmed with sympathy rather than empathy for the patient. I brought Mrs. As a nurse it is important to use critical thinking to resolve problems nursing reflective essays to direct patient care and as a student nurse, I asked nursing reflective essays additional help since l did not know what else was happening to Mrs.

Amanda because she said she was feeling very exhausted. Following discussion with Michael, I felt that Mrs. Amanda was uncomfortable, in pain and one of the healthcare assistants mentioned that Mrs. To preserve safety under the NMC codeI made a referral to Michael so that we worked towards the best interests of Mrs, nursing reflective essays. Amanda as this was a concern to me. This is where my time management skills came in place, I made a timely report to the doctors who reacted appropriately since her oxygen levels and blood pressure were low. To my understanding, nursing reflective essays, blood pressure and heart rate are very important to know the patients wellbeing to avoid cardiac nursing reflective essays. The multi-disciplinary team members obtained information that clarifies the nature of the problem while suggesting possible solutions.

After re-assessment by the doctors that responded to the call, the doctor prescribed 48 meropenem for her since she had history of cystic fibrosis an inherited condition that causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system. I had the competency in medicine administration but on this occasion l was observed by two qualified nurses including Michael who talked me through the procedure while asking me questions about cystic fibrosis which l answered but he gave me feedback that I had insufficient information about the disease but I turned this into a positive feedback and read about it, nursing reflective essays. Amanda was deterioting. Nursing reflective essays ward sister discussed with the doctor that Mrs. Amanda may benefit from Opti flow and the team agreed for Opti flow trial.

An Opti flow is a non-invasive device that warms and humidifies high flow nasal cannula air or oxygen which are delivered to the patient. Doctors recognise and work within the limits of their competence through making the care of their patient their first concern. The doctor called the critical care outreach team to provide the Opti-flow but Mrs. Amanda was feeling tired. For example, one of the nurse showed her courage and commitment to patient care by explaining to the doctor that it was not appropriate to continue the Opti flow due to exhaustion and poor improvement of Mrs.

The doctor listened to the nurses concern and responded by later requesting for continuous positive airway pressure which is used as a treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea. Since Mrs. Amanda had capacity, the doctors and consultant explained to her and the family members that some of her organs were failing to function and among the roles of a doctor is to maintain trust by being honest, open and act with integrity. Amanda was then placed on End of life Pathway see appendix 3 for End of life pathway for acute hospitals with her consent, transferred in a side room for privacy and referred to the palliative team.

A nurse is expected to provide safe and competent care so that harm such as physical, psychological or material to the recipient of the service is prevented. While End of life as a patient, she was now nil by mouth because she had difficulty in swallowing and to prevent more discomfort, the doctors and nurses agreed to switch her to humidified oxygen for comfort. While on humidified oxygen, Mrs, nursing reflective essays. Amanda was sweaty and getting exhausted when me and one of the sisters were changing her. The ward sister then explained to the family that she was getting exhausted so they should limit making her talk, nursing reflective essays.

Relating Mrs. Acute pain is of short or limited duration usually associated with traumatic tissue injuries, whereas chronic pain is a pain or discomfort persisting for about 3 to 6 months and may persist beyond the healing period. Chronic pain despite therapeutic interventions for example medications, nursing carenursing reflective essays, physio and occupational therapists is classified as intractable pain which Mrs. Amanda was experiencing. Pain can be influenced among other things by culture, previous pain experience, mood, ability to cope or even belief and individuals should be treated differently, nursing reflective essays.

Initially when I learnt that Mrs. Amanda was now on end of life management, I was interested to find out more about the patient and their condition but also sad to know that she will soon be a last office. When I met the patient, I felt sympathy towards her and the family and upon discussion she expressed herself that she felt like giving up and ending it all, nursing reflective essays. Looking at Mrs. Amanda l had a mixture of emotions, although I could understand why she would want to give up and the only reason was due to the pain she was starting to experience all over her body rather than just the back pain. I was quite confident at problem solving however this was a period where l was faced with a situation where l could nursing reflective essays the problem but was not able to come up with a solution due to the lack of experience in end of life management of patients.

On reflection it was a positive experience as it allowed me to see how people cope differently with terminal conditions, and the impact it has on the family and carers. This being my first encounter of meeting a patient with acute pain and end of life management, I learnt so much and gain information especially about acute pain management having asked several nursing reflective essays and establish a good patient-nurse relationship. During this experience, the nursing team had built a good professional relationship with the patient and their family. The patient had plenty of time to discuss any concerns or issues that she had for example how she felt was important and her needs to be taken into consideration. I found the tool to be beneficial for effective management of pain because it was a good indicator as to when we would need to adjust her analgesia to ensure the patient was in the least amount of pain.

The principle of upholding professionalism under the Nursing reflective essays code is supporting appropriate service and care environments by raising concerns when issues arise that could compromise quality, safety and experience. Professionalism in nursing and midwifery is realised through purposeful relationships and underpinned by environments that facilitate professional practice. Michael confirmed to me that Mrs. Amanda may need a new review by the palliative team to reassess her pain. I went to inform Mrs. Amanda of this. On nursing reflective essays to her, I introduced myself with the aim of continuing our nurse-patient professional relationship and to obtain consent, nursing reflective essays.

I informed her that she will need a reassessment by the palliative team to change her pain killer or if there is need to increase the dose and that the doctor has been notified of this. This seemed to calm her down a little as I explained and nursing reflective essays empathically to her. Nursing is the art of caring and we must listen empathically to what service users and patients want so that we can deliver the care they deserve. When one of the palliative team member came on the ward, she told the doctor to prescribe PRN midazolam 2. Amanda was very complaint with her medication.

The Mental Capacity Act says that a person is unable to make a decision if they cannot do one or more of the following, understand information given to them, retain that information long enough to be able to make the decision, weigh up the information available to make the decision, communicate their decision — this could be by talking, using sign language or even simple muscle movements such as blinking an eye or squeezing a hand. Amanda had capacity and the multi-disciplinary team made sure that she was involved in her care. As the primary caregivers, nurses must ensure that sensitive care and comfort measures are given as the clients illness progresses. The relaxation of the urethral sphincters of the bladder causing urinary incontinence can indicate approaching death WHO With consent from Mrs.

Amanda, I informed her that the catheter is to be removed for her comfort and an absorbent pad will be provided which she accepted. Particularly women are at risk of urinary tract infection due to the short urethra and its closeness to the anal and vaginal areas. Nurses provide information and instruction in hygiene and diet to help prevent recurrences of urinary infection for example increasing the fluid intake for patients. So, l made sure l played my role as an advocate for Mrs, nursing reflective essays. Amanda making sure that her comfort rounds were done and that she was comfortable before her last offices on the ward.

See appendix 4 for comfort round. In addition to caring for Mrs. Amanda, I was given the opportunity nursing reflective essays be involved in meeting with the palliative care team for the hospital which enhanced the importance of good communication skills and accurate record keeping ensuring that all participants in Mrs. In terms of communication I felt I was gaining confidence especially with the family members as I had built up a relationship which was both professional whilst being friendly and trusting. Hello, dear nurse!

refelctive essay

Under the supervision of my mentor while attending to other patients on the ward, Mrs. Amanda called out to me that she was in severe pain since she had been admitted with lower back pain. On approaching her I observed that she was in pain and once she had my attention she said she was in terrible pain and needed more pain killers. I approached Mrs Amanda and introduced myself with the aim of establishing a pleasant nurse-patient relationship. I assured Mrs. Amanda that I will have a word with a qualified nurse and will be back.

I walked up to Michael and asked that Mrs Amanda would need some pain killers as she is in severe pain. Michael then asked me where is Mrs. And instead of getting the pain killers for Mrs. Amanda, he asked me several questions. How do you know that she is in such severe pain as you have just described to me? Have you asked her with the trust policy of pain scale? see appendix 2 What type of pain killers have been given to Mrs. Amanda and for how long ago were these given to her? He went on and on and I felt embarrassed and at the same time very eager to correct my mistakes. I was unable to answer any of the questions he asked and I presume I was overwhelmed with sympathy rather than empathy for the patient.

I brought Mrs. As a nurse it is important to use critical thinking to resolve problems related to direct patient care and as a student nurse, I asked for additional help since l did not know what else was happening to Mrs. Amanda because she said she was feeling very exhausted. Following discussion with Michael, I felt that Mrs. Amanda was uncomfortable, in pain and one of the healthcare assistants mentioned that Mrs. To preserve safety under the NMC code , I made a referral to Michael so that we worked towards the best interests of Mrs. Amanda as this was a concern to me.

This is where my time management skills came in place, I made a timely report to the doctors who reacted appropriately since her oxygen levels and blood pressure were low. To my understanding, blood pressure and heart rate are very important to know the patients wellbeing to avoid cardiac arrest. The multi-disciplinary team members obtained information that clarifies the nature of the problem while suggesting possible solutions. After re-assessment by the doctors that responded to the call, the doctor prescribed 48 meropenem for her since she had history of cystic fibrosis an inherited condition that causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system. I had the competency in medicine administration but on this occasion l was observed by two qualified nurses including Michael who talked me through the procedure while asking me questions about cystic fibrosis which l answered but he gave me feedback that I had insufficient information about the disease but I turned this into a positive feedback and read about it.

Amanda was deterioting. The ward sister discussed with the doctor that Mrs. Amanda may benefit from Opti flow and the team agreed for Opti flow trial. An Opti flow is a non-invasive device that warms and humidifies high flow nasal cannula air or oxygen which are delivered to the patient. Doctors recognise and work within the limits of their competence through making the care of their patient their first concern. The doctor called the critical care outreach team to provide the Opti-flow but Mrs. Amanda was feeling tired. For example, one of the nurse showed her courage and commitment to patient care by explaining to the doctor that it was not appropriate to continue the Opti flow due to exhaustion and poor improvement of Mrs.

The doctor listened to the nurses concern and responded by later requesting for continuous positive airway pressure which is used as a treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea. Since Mrs. Amanda had capacity, the doctors and consultant explained to her and the family members that some of her organs were failing to function and among the roles of a doctor is to maintain trust by being honest, open and act with integrity. Amanda was then placed on End of life Pathway see appendix 3 for End of life pathway for acute hospitals with her consent, transferred in a side room for privacy and referred to the palliative team. A nurse is expected to provide safe and competent care so that harm such as physical, psychological or material to the recipient of the service is prevented.

While End of life as a patient, she was now nil by mouth because she had difficulty in swallowing and to prevent more discomfort, the doctors and nurses agreed to switch her to humidified oxygen for comfort. While on humidified oxygen, Mrs. Amanda was sweaty and getting exhausted when me and one of the sisters were changing her. The ward sister then explained to the family that she was getting exhausted so they should limit making her talk. Relating Mrs. Acute pain is of short or limited duration usually associated with traumatic tissue injuries, whereas chronic pain is a pain or discomfort persisting for about 3 to 6 months and may persist beyond the healing period.

Chronic pain despite therapeutic interventions for example medications, nursing care , physio and occupational therapists is classified as intractable pain which Mrs. Amanda was experiencing. Pain can be influenced among other things by culture, previous pain experience, mood, ability to cope or even belief and individuals should be treated differently. Initially when I learnt that Mrs. Amanda was now on end of life management, I was interested to find out more about the patient and their condition but also sad to know that she will soon be a last office. These strategies include the process where the graduate nurses will seek clarification when they are faced with challenges especially issues to do with unknown medications.

Monthly Index of Medical Specialities should also be applied as part of the strategies that should be followed. The importance of MIMS is that they provide proper descriptions in details where the nurses will be able to understand contradictions that might arise when a particular medication is administered and also learn on the side effects that might originate from these medications. Use of technology Implementation of technology in the nursing environment will also help with the mitigation of medical errors that graduate nurses are prone to make. Technology plays a vital role in healthcare organizations. Therefore, when graduate nurses are trained on how to use different kinds of technology, they will gain skills that they can be depended on to minimize the stress especially on medication which might also lead to medical errors.

Further, technology is stated to be beneficial to the point that it has a chance of promoting self-governance among the trained graduate nurse and it will boost the professional development. Technology can also help the graduate nurse to be able to make a comparison and conduct monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation technologies will help in decision making which minimizes medical errors that nurses can cause. Further, technology can help a graduate nurse to be able to check on the patient identification which is against the procedures which encompass medication rights and administration. Through these strategies, there will be an achievement of the health care and consumer safety in healthcare organizations.

Development of proper plans and prioritization Another strategy to overcome these challenges is for the healthcare institution to develop proper plans and conduct prioritization on the graduate nurses. Prioritization will lead to the proper care and guidance of graduate nurses to allow for a smooth transition between training theoretically as a nurse placement as a graduate nurse in a health care institution or a hospital. Further, I selected the strategy because it is easy for the organizations to delegate duties to the nurses according to their capabilities. A nurse will be able to handle duties according to their capabilities which will also minimize stress levels and medical errors that might arise in the organizations.

In conclusions, it should be identified that different strategies are identified and selected as an option in the nursing organization. These strategies help the organization and a graduate nurse not only to overcome challenges that he or she faces as a graduate nurse but also it allows for the nurses to settle appropriately in the new placement environments. Consider the mistakes of fear and medical errors where a graduate nurse who has been placed in a new healthcare organization is capable of and prone to making. These challenges are detrimental, and there are strategies that an organization can implement and use to make sure that they address these challenges.

As noted above, the strategies include the establishment of placement programs where the graduate nurses will be prioritized and supervised until the time when they are safe and can conduct management care without making any medical errors. Furthermore, there is also a recommendation that there is a need to implement the technology. Technology helps in the minimizing medical errors and allowing the nurses to improve their efficiency especially graduate nurses. In these reflective essay, these strategies need to be implemented. It will generate positive impacts to the graduate nurse, the nursing organization and also patients who seek medical services from these institutions.

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