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Sleep deprivation essay

Sleep deprivation essay

Sleep deprivation is real, and only researchers are the only ones who know it is a big problem throughout colleges and universities worldwide. Sleep deprivation essay stay up late with colleagues or labor over unfinished work without a second thought to the amount of sleep we might be losing. Among other reasons, one may get insufficient sleep in a day as a result of various factors. html Brandon, M, sleep deprivation essay. Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures. I followed the prescribed agreement for a three-week period, realizing that I would need a few days at several levels in order to be successful See Appendix B. Need help with tough topics?


Harvard School of Public Health,p. In a different study it is reported that infants sleeping sleep deprivation essay than 12 hours per night are twice as likely to be obese by age three. More than nine million children over six years of age in the U, sleep deprivation essay. are obese. Sleep deprivation results in risks for cardiovascular disease,…. References AI-Hafian, K. Sleep, sleep deprivation essay, Obesity, and the Adolescent Population: A Literature Review. A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree sleep deprivation essay Master of Nursing. Washington State University Chaput, J. International Journal of Obesity, 30, Chaput, J.

Short sleep duration is associated with reduced leptin levels and increased adiposity: Results from the Quebec family study. Obesity, 15 1Sleep Deprivation and Adolescent Obesity Sleep Deprivation the effects it has on adolescent obesity. Adolescents in particular are known for shortchanging themselves on sleep. And the rise in obesity corresponds with a subsequent decline in the average number of hours teens sleep every night. Adolescent obesity has tripled in the past thirty years, according to the Centers for Disease Control. For example, one study by Gupta et al. Sleep and the epidemic of obesity in children and Adults. Eur J. full Fortuna, J. Sweet preference, sugar addiction and the familial history of alcohol dependence: Shared neural pathways and genes.

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 42 2 Gupta, N. And Meininger, Sleep deprivation essay. drastically affects the body's ability to metabolize glucose, leading to symptoms that mimic early-stage diabetes. For instance The National Sleep Foundation NSF has suggested that many social problems, such as road rage, may be caused, in part, by a sleep deprivation. Sleep Deprivation Symptoms Another factor that causes sleep deprivation is underlying physical as well as mental health issues. People suffering for depression and forms of post -traumatic stress disorder can suffer from insomnia which can lead to a pattern of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation affects the frontal cortex to the brain which ensures normal health sleep functioning.

This area of the brain also controls speech and types of memory, as well as problem solving tasks, sleep deprivation essay. It therefore becomes obvious that long periods of…. Bibliography Andreassi, John L. Psychophysiology: Human Behavior and Physiological Response. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Field, Tiffany M. McCabe, and Neil Schneiderman, sleep deprivation essay. Stress and Coping. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, sleep deprivation essay, Ledoux S. Accessed October 17, html Sleep Deprivation Symptoms. Sleep deprivation is frequently a direct result of the need for intensive care, constant surveillance and monitoring that combine to limit the opportunities for uninterrupted sleep in the intensive care unit ICU.

The problem is multifactorial, sleep deprivation essay, with patients' chronic underlying illness, pain, pharmacological interventions used for the treatment of the primary illness, as well as the ICU environment itself have all been sleep deprivation essay to be contributing factors to the process of sleep deprivation. In response to a marked decline in patient satisfaction with the quietness of their ICU rooms, this study implemented and administered a series of effective noise-abatement steps. Consistent with the findings from other similar studies, the results of this study found that ICU patients rated survey showed that monitor alarms were rated as the most bothersome noise by the most patients, followed by IV pump alarms, staff talking, and bed alarms.

Although not all sources of noise…. References: Addressing quietness of units best practice implementation guide. Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts General Physicians Organization: Author. Aslan, F. et al. Patients' experience of pain after cardiac surgery. Contemporary Nurse: a Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 34 1 Sleep Deprivation: Its Effects and Prevention For many people, sleep deprivation is a fact of their daily lives and routines. Over-commitment, coupled with a desire to work more and to maximize the little leisure time one has, can lead to extreme sleep deprivation on a regular basis.

Even moderate sleep deprivation, according to the Sleep deprivation essay Health Service Sleep deprivation essay of the United Kingdom, can result in brain fog, sleep deprivation essay, difficulty learning, irritability, and over-emotionality Of course, occasional loss of sleep may be inevitable, sleep deprivation essay, due to work or school commitments, such as final exam periods. But prolonged, sustained sleep deprivation has become a way of life for too many people, particularly given the rise of digital technologies and the ease of staying up for long periods of time in the dark, staring at a screen. Sleep Deprivation As shown in the variable table, the two relevant variables for determining how sleep affects abilities are Hours the number of hours each participant has gone without sleep and Errors the number of errors each participant made in their arithmetic test.

Both are quantitative variables; Hours is sleep deprivation essay independent variable in this study, and Errors is the dependent variable. This particular study has a sample size of ten -- ten subjects were examined during the course of the research. Analysis of the raw data collected from these subjects was conducted using the spreadsheet and statistical program Microsoft Excel, sleep deprivation essay. By highlighting the sleep deprivation essay columns of relevant sleep deprivation essay and using Excel's built-in functions, sleep deprivation essay scatter plot was created. The arrangement of the data in the plot visually suggests a linear relationship, sleep deprivation essay, which makes further regression analysis appropriate.

Excel was thus used to add a trendline to the scatter plot, and…. Sleep Depivation and Expet Witnesses Intoduction the issue s pesented and pupose of you pape The pape will focus on the links between sleep depivation, false confessions and totue. The pape is witten in the context of Fedeal Rules of Evidence and the testimony of an expet witness. The focus lies in the fight between expets on each side defense and posecution and how an expet witness can povide claity egading a confession and whee the line dawn on the continuum between a sleep deprivation essay confession and someone who is being totued.

The executive summay of The Senate Intelligence Committee Repot on Totue: Committee Study of the Cental Intelligence Agency's Detention and Inteogation Pogam defines "sleep depivation" as "keeping detainees…. references for Person- Versus Situation-Based Analyses of Interrogation-Induced Sleep deprivation essay, Am Acad Psychiatry L. Davis D, Leo R: Strategies for sleep deprivation essay of false confessions, in Practical Psychology for Forensic Investigations and Prosecutions. Edited by Kebbell M, Davies G.

New York: John Wiley,pp Davis D, O'Donohue WT: The road to perdition: "extreme influence" tactics in the interrogation room, Handbook of Forensic Psychology, sleep deprivation essay. Edited by O'Donohue WT, sleep deprivation essay, Levensky E. New York: Elsevier Academic Press,pp Drizin SA, Leo RA: The problem of false confessions in the post-DNA world. NC Sleep deprivation essay Rev Federal Rules of Evidence, article VII, Rule28 U. al, ] While the above study discussed changes in levels of beta-adrenergic receptors, a research by Hip lide et. al studied the effects of REM deprivation on the binding changes among? All the 91 rats used in the study were sleep deprived for 96 hours prior to the experiment.

It was observed that the binding of [3H] prazosin to the? Similarly there was no significant difference in the binding to? However, sleep deprivation essay, the? Data gathered using quantitative receptor autoradiography revealed that atleast in 13 of 69 brain regions,? Bibliography 1-Majumdar S, Mallick BN. Neurosci Lett. This is also consistent with prior data that indicated that insufficient sleep during adolescence increased feelings of depression, anxiety, and moodiness Brody, In the last few years, sleep deprivation essay, researchers have concluded that a significant percentage of car accidents especially single vehicle accidents are attributable to sleepiness behind the wheel and that sleep deprivation actually impairs driving ability and reaction time as much as driving under the influence of alcohol Siegel, Likewise, chronic sleep deprivation undermines work productivity, because its effects are cumulative.

Our daily schedules normally dictate how much we sleep, and because we are able to function even without enough sleep, many of us do not realize that we are getting too little sleep until we have the opportunity to vacation without the need to follow any particular schedule. According to researchers, clues that we are sleeping less than we need include difficulty concentrating and napping during the…. References Siegel, J. Clues to the Functions of Mammalian Sleep NatureOctober 27, Retrieved November 17,from natureonline. html Brody, J. Personal Health: At Every Age, Feeling the Effects of Too Little Sleep; the New York Times. October 23,

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Citizens get less sleep comparatively than any country. Most citizens in Japan get under the 7 hours of recommended sleep each night and some even get less than 6 hours. Altogether Japan averages a mere 7 hours and 24 minutes of sleep. The […]. Sleep is an essential physiological need for survival. To be deprived […]. The negative effects of sleep deprivation on brain activity and performance in cognitive tasks have been studied for generations. However, loss of sleep also has a significant impact on the manifestation of various diseases and metabolic disorders obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

This is why for this assignment I have picked a paper that focuses […]. There are several health and behavioral symptoms of sleep deprivation. Obesity is one of the leading consequenses of sleep deprivation. Sleep helps the human body seperate the good fat from the bad fat that was consumed throughout the day. For example, we all go through stress such as teens having homework, jobs, and other distractions. The amount of sleep, on average, that teenagers are getting is between 6 and 7 hours when they should be getting between 9 and 9?? Many teenagers come to school and they are exhausted. That is because they are not getting enough sleep. Between homework, school, sports, family, and friends it is almost […].

Sleep deprivation is the situation or condition of suffering from a lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation is real, and only researchers are the only ones who know it is a big problem throughout colleges and universities worldwide. Sleep deprivation has many […]. Billy usually has an astronomical amount of homework since his coursework is rigorous, but this night is different. Billy realizes he has a very important test tomorrow and winces at the thought. Soon after he finishes his homework it is midnight, and he […]. Recently in the past couple of years beginning in according to researchers, an increase in practicing yoga and meditation in not only adults but in children as well has increased. How many of us catch ourselves struggling through the day and not getting the proper amount of sleep that we require?

Some of us do not get time to sleep or to even relax, especially students, who can barely get 6 hours of sleep. Sleep is an essential requirement of the body. According to a […]. Its am. You feel the car you hit from the front. You always hear that you need at least 8 hours of sleep per night. With that being said, there is not a large percentage of humans that do. With all the distractions we have at night time, it is getting tougher to obtain a well rested state when you are trying to fall asleep. Lack […]. In order to live, the human body needs air to breathe, but sleep helps the body to function and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.

In a lifetime humans spend about one-third of it sleeping. Being well rested can change how well the human body functions during the day. Sleep affects the brain and […]. A growing problem of sleep deprivation among children and adolescents has made way for an ever-growing issue for debate in the world of psychology. Exercise for treating fibromyalgia syndrome. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , Issue 4. DOI: Burckhardt, Carol S. Mannerkorpi, Hedenberg, Kaisa, Lars and Bjelle, Anders. A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial of Education and Physical Training for Women with Fibromyalgia. The Journal of Rheumatology; , Costa1, D. Advance Access Rheumatology; 19 July , The "fatigue summit " was held in and hosted by the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, representing flight attendants at American Airlines, and Transport Workers Union Local , representing flight attendants at Southwest Airlines.

The meeting was held at American Association of Flight Attendants-CWA headquarters outside Dallas. Flight Attendants Hold Summit on Job Fatigue, Hours One of the central issues on the table was a critique of the Federal Aviation Administration regulations promulgated in , which required flight attendants to have eight to nine hour rest periods. However, as has already been referred to, these 'rest periods' included time taken for transportation to and from airports as well as the time taken for meals etc. Therefore, this FAA regulation was seen as being insufficient to deal with the very real problem of fatigue. Flight Attendants Hold Summit on Job Fatigue, Hours at this meeting, the AFA-CWA President, Patricia Friend,…. Bibliography AFA-CWA Wins Action on Fatigue Study.

This study clearly highlighted that sleep shortage and work fatigue poses a threat to patient safety and that nurse self-care is warranted. al, ] Nurse Support Services An earlier Australian study by Moore KA which observed nurses working in three different hospitals had concluded that organizational restructuring policies and the consequent work overload was a high stressor for nurses and this was made worse by the poor communication style top -- down approach instead of consultative style that only contributed more to nurse burnout. Given the high levels of occupational stress and burnout among nurses, it is important that nurse self-care interventions are prioritized. A recent literature review on the subject of work stress and coping methods among Australian nurses revealed that 'work load ', 'role conflict' and 'expression of aggression' were the three main stressors.

The literature study also revealed 'seeking…. Bibliography 1 Linda H. al Oct , 'A Pilot study of the Safety Implications of Australian Nurses' Sleep and Working Hours', Chronobiology International, Vol 23, Issue 6, pg 3 Lim J, BOGOSSIAN F. International Nursing Review 57, 4 Moore KA, , 'Hospital restructuring: impact on nurses mediated by social. Not having upheld such responsibility has made them liable and hence the payouts in both cases. Concomitantly with a lack of sleep, company responsibilities regarding the above-mentioned truck maintenance also appear to not always be up to standard, if the facts of the cases are investigated.

According to Baker's report, drivers for the company have taken responsibility by reporting truck problems, which were simply ignored by their companies. Further investigation found the truck unroadworthy to an extent where this was at least partly responsible for the crash. In addition, factors beyond the truck drivers' control, such as bad weather and road conditions, can also contribute to accidents. When these are compounded with the problems associated with lack of sleep, crashes are generally more than likely. Baker substantiates the above-mentioned regulation, according to which no driver is allowed more than 11 cumulative hours on the roads, which should be….

References Baker, Max. Recent court cases raise questions about trucking safety. Truck Safety Coalition. html Roetting, M. Truck drivers' attitudes and opinions towards feedback by in-vehicle technology. Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, USA. pdf Sabbagh-Ehrlich, S. Working conditions and fatigue in professional truck drivers at Israeli ports. Injury Prevention, Vol. The key to this program's success is changing the way the citizens approach their daily lives, without changing the traditions and practices that are unique to the community. Teaching children how to cope with this unique conundrum will be difficult but could be the most successful approach in the long run.

If the program is successful in slowing down the rate of obesity found in the younger citizens, then it could have longer lasting effects than the same program instituted with older citizens. One study showed that obese children are much more susceptible to diseases, especially diabetes than adults are with the same body mass index. Diabetes is currently a non-curable disease…. Works Cited Bell, a. psychology and human behavior. Specifically it will discuss the effects of population density on individuals, including noise and territoriality. Population density has a dramatic affect on the population, and it can even lead to major health concerns. Studies show that residents of high-noise areas suffer a variety of ailments, from loss of attention span to hearing loss and stress.

The denser the population, the more noise, stress, and lack of personal space all come together to make living conditions far less bearable than any other living situation. Noise is one of the biggest problems facing the residents of high-density population centers. Noise can affect just about every aspect of life, and it can make sleeping, learning, conversing, and every aspect of life nearly unbearable. Noise is a part of life, but high noise levels are often most prevalent in inner cities and areas of high population density, meaning that more…. References Editors. The San Francisco noise model. Retrieved 23 Dec. Goines, L. And Hagler, L. Noise pollution: A modern plague. Southern Medical Journal, Volume p. Harris, A. And Schomer, P. Reducing the impact of environmental noise on quality of life requires an effective national noise policy.

Try not to schedule too many things at once. In the words of one article by the health center at Colorado University entitled "10 Great Stress Reducers," learn to say 'no. In other words, don't sweat the small stuff, and don't make yourself crazy by overcommitting yourself and leaving everything to the last minute. Ask yourself, do I need this? Do I have to do this? Of course, no one can completely avoid stress in their life, and in fact, some forms of stress can be good. Lots of people like the positive, controlled stress of exercise or performing. There is a different 'perfect' balance of stress and relaxation for every person. But everyone can benefit from learning some ways to counteract the physical strains of being under stress.

Stretching -- and stretching often, even simply rolling down your spine, touching your…. Works Cited 10 Great Stress Reducers. Colorado University. htm How to survive finals with less stress. html Stressed Out? The National Institute of Health. pdf Stretch Often. Accordingly, operational definitions have become a psychological standard by which psychological research has been-based for nearly a century; they enable a clear path of communication between psychologists and psychological researchers. List 3 possible hypotheses. Definitions: One-tailed hypothesis: predicts the direction in which the results will go. hypothesis regulates or controls the course of experimentation.

Two-tailed hypothesis: hypothesis states that one factor affects another rather than state a direction, or that there will be a difference between the scores without stating the direction of the difference. Hypotheses Definition: A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. A hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in your study. For example, a study designed to look at the relationship between sleep deprivation and test performance might have a hypothesis…. Bibliography : Lane, David. July 21, Chicago Manual of Style Note : David Lane, "Variables," Connexions, July 21, ,. The physical detriment of migraine develops into lifelong problems that are many times hard to cure or incurable.

The physical health of youth internet addicts are hard to dissect, partly this is because physical health often results from psychological addiction, and as a result, are attributed to traditional addict like symptoms and affects. The negligence of addicts in relations to their health causes indirect health problems, that may not be directly linked to IAD, but internet use lies at the heart of how such problems will occur and are dissected. However, prevailing research into the actual physical and mental health of youth as a direct result of internet…. Young, K. Caught in the net. Simon, M. How internet has an effect on the social skills of children. The Vocal Point [Online]. html Suler, J.

Review of the internet aggression by Norman Holland. The Psychology of Cyberspace [Online]. Available: l. Singh, E. Conflict Resolution Conflict resolution is inclusive of several specific steps which are stated to include: 1 Fact finding: Identify all individuals who are affected by the behavior and get complete history about the patterns of physician's behavior, preferably in writing assuring the complainant about confidentiality. Identify probable risk to all affected individuals including patients and the organization itself. Make sure and document this step. It is advised to plan for the meeting beforehand. Set the agenda for the meeting, communicate about the issues and how it is affecting staff and the workflow, and what is expected or desired. listen, listen, listen to the physician sometimes just listening itself resolves the issue or gives you an idea about what to do.

Stay focused on the issue, don't send mixed messages…. Bibliography Bartholomew K. Ending Nurse-to-nurse Hostility. Marblehead, MA: HealthPro, Brown D. At med schools, a new degree of diversity. Washington Post; June 1, A1. Early P, Soon C, Soon a. Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures. Stanford University Press, Ford, John Contextualizing Disruptive Behavior in Health Care as a Conflict Management Challenge nd Conflict Management Practice Notes. Evaluation As a result of the related research, hospitals will be using medical resident interns as a means of making up for the lack of doctors caused by financing concerns.

The redistribution of medical interns was expected to be completed before the next residency training year starts July 1, , however, it remains currently underway. The Association of American Medical Colleges has stated that the health care system would be better off if the cap were lifted so hospitals could respond to the needs of their communities, such as adding a new cardiology…. Bibliography Barger, L. Extended Work Shifts and the Risk of Motor Vehicle Crashes among Interns. NEJM Cauchon, D. Medical Miscalculation Creates Doctor Shortage. USA Today, Croasdale, M. Residency Slots Reallocated to Relieve Doctor Shortages.

The experience of Fumagalli et al. ICU staff, on the other hand, insist on maintaining restrictive visiting policies on the grounds that liberal visiting hours may distract caregivers, whilst increasing the patient's stress and risk of septic complications. The issue remains an agonizing and constantly debated point of contention amongst physicians, nurses, visitors, and patients. Some practitioners insist that the decision to restrict visiting hours is neither caring nor compassionate Fumagalli et al. On the other hand, as they themselves say their trial was small and larger randomized trials need to occur before conclusions are drawn. In the meantime, open and flexible visitation hours are constantly demanded, and permission, as constantly, withheld.

eferences Berti, P. Beliefs and attitudes of intensive care nurses toward visits…. References Berti, P. Beliefs and attitudes of intensive care nurses toward visits and open visiting policy Intensive Care Medicine, 33, , Brannon, L. Health Psychology. Fumagalli, S. Boncinelli, L. Geneva Conventions Enacted after the horrors of World War II demonstrated the limitations of earlier treaties, the Geneva Convention of have become one of the preeminent international standards dictating the behavior of combatants and the treatment of individuals in the context of international and other conflicts, to the point that it has become a part of generally accepted customary international law. Building upon three earlier treaties signed in Geneva, the Convention of outlined rigorous standards defining and governing the treatment of civilian and military prisoners, the wounded, and civilians found in and around the war zone.

Over the course of the last decade, the centrality of the Geneva Convention to international war and politics has come to the fore as a result of debates surrounding the relevance of the Convention to the United States execution of the War on Terror, especially in regards to the treatment and detainment…. References Senior u. officials acknowledge waterboarding of three suspected terrorists; administration defends practice. The American Journal of International Law, 2 , Bellamhy, A. Security and the war on terror. New York: Routledge. Bugnion, F. The geneva conventions of 12 august From the diplomatic conference to the dawn of the new millennium.

International Affairs, 76 1 , Appellate Brief To be submitted by: Mark Maker Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division: Second Judicial Department Breezy Hollow Apartments, Plaintiff-Respondent Appellate Division Docket No. APPELLANT'S BRIEF Mark Maker Attorney for Defendant Legislation Way STATEMENT PURSUANT TO CPLR RULE The Docket Number in the Court below is: The full names of the original parties were: Breezy Hollow Apartment- Plaintiff v Sam Most- Defendant. This appeal is on behalf of Sam Most, Defendant. The action was commenced in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, 2nd Judicial Department, County of Metropolis.

The action was commenced by the filing of a Petition in the Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court on October 1, This is…. However, as criminals become more aware of undercover tactics, the covert officer is required to provide more and more proof that he is indeed a criminal- which leads to the officer committing acts that compromise his or her integrity for the sake of maintaining cover. y understanding the often conflicting nature of these goals, deception and integrity, we can see how an undercover officer can become confused, lost, and susceptible to temptation i. criminal behavior. y examining both aspects- environmental factors and personality factors- we take into account both sides of a complex relationship.

These two groups of factors, when combined together, shed some light on the exact nature of criminal tendencies amongst police officers. Definition of Terms Covert: another term for undercover, meaning the use of deception for the purpose of gathering information or intelligence. Non-covert: police officers that, even in plain clothes, maintain their own true identity instead…. Bibliography Choo, A. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, Blackstone Press, University of Leicester. html Girodo, M. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 3 3 , Girodo, M. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 9, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12 5 , Life of Prophet Muhammed There is an inherent degree of difficulty incurred in the life of a prophet.

This fact is documented in a number of different texts, one of the most revealing of which is The Life of Muhammad. This book is valuable because it illustrates a multitude of events in the progression of Muhammad's life from his birth to his journey as a man. However, it does so by revealing the fact that during all stages of his life, he was favored by God -- rendering him worthy as a prophet of Allah. Furthermore, this book illustrates the fact that despite a plethora of burdensome situations, Muhammad always retained God's favor and acted in accordance with his role as a divine prophet.

A close examination of the textual evidence in this manuscript reveals that as a prophet, Muhammad encountered a significant amount of austere trials, the results of…. Introduction The modern 21st century has posed new challenges for the organizations to survive and grow Smith et al. As they are operated and managed by human beings, the challenges are ultimately faced by the individuals who are responsible for making decisions and implementing them Nieuwenhuizen, Weiss and Rossouw, As challenges are multifaceted, and human lives are divided into various aspects, it is difficult to excel in every field.

The gap between desired and actual state of mind leads to stress and has a high impact on employee performance and productivity. The concept of supervision is not new in business settings. It may be rooted right in the main essence of organizational structure from where delegation of authority and chain of command were introduced. In lieu of human psychology to stay conscious when being observed and monitored, it is more likely that they are not in normal…. Also, the death penalty still in use in a great deal of countries might provide another subject for debate from the point-of-view of human rights. A minimalist set of human rights, meant only to keep people safe from humiliation and pain cannot be effective.

This is mainly because while certain human rights seem to be of little necessity, they are actually indispensable. Economic, civil, and political rights are of great importance because they assist society's interests. Human rights are not likely to have any decisive effect in international relationships, and they are also not expected to be of any use when it comes to the stopping perpetrators from breaking the law. The best thing to do in order to make the world a better place would be to promote the concept of good, so as to influence the masses into contributing to preserve human rights.

orks cited: 1. Forsythe D. Works cited: 1. Foreign Policy and Human Rights in an Era of Insecurity," Wars on Terrorism and Iraq: Human Rights, Unilateralism, and U. Foreign Policy, ed. Thomas G. Weiss, Margaret E. Crahan, and John Goering. Ignatieff M. Appiah K. Gutmann a. Human rights as politics and idolatry. Princeton University Press. Ramcharan B. A UN High Commissioner in Defence of Human Rights: "No License to Kill or Torture. Richard Reid Richard Reid, better known as the "shoe bomber" has nearly eight charges held against him.

He was arrested as a result of his efforts to demolish a commercial flight using bombs concealed in his shoes. Richard was born in London in He had a Jamaican father who was in prison for a majority of his childhood. The early separation of his parents reflects family dysfunctionality. Even though he had been educated in one of UK's better schools, the lack of proper family support subjected him to getting involved in several crimes. An interracial background might have resulted in adjustment problems in an environment dominated by whites. He was imprisoned several times, and accepted Islam while at Feltham young offender's institution.

On his release Reid became a part in the London based, Brixton Mosque. He made an effort to get involved in mosque proceedings but ended up getting…. Works Cited Bajoria, Jayshree. al-Qaida, al-Qa'ida ," cfr. org Web. Gillespie, Thomas W. Ayman al-Zawahiri: Idol of the National Unity. Dec 14, Research has shown that people who experience high stress remain more at risk for alcohol abuse Violanti, Choir Practice A prevention approach has the long-range potential to reduce alcohol abuse. Police departments should note that proactive prevention strategies designed to prevent alcohol abuse are more economical and practical than curing those who abuse alcohol.

ibliography Jared. Substance abuse among public safety officers. Retrieved April 4, , from Treatmentsolutionsnetwork. Retrieved April 4, , from cophealth. html National Crime Prevention Council. Workplace substance abuse. php Page, D. Drug screening of police: on the high road. Retrieved April 5, , from officer. Choir Practice: Alcohol abuse in policing:. htm Violanti, J. Dying from the job:…. Bibliography Jared. Further, Jones began preaching about "revolutionary suicide" which was a kind of "collective suicide" as an "outcome of being attacked by forces" against Jonestown. These facts that are generally supported by other sources can easily lead an alert reader to assume that Jones started with an idealistic spiritual movement and gradually he apparently became obsessed with power - and paranoid that some group would try to wipe him out - and turned his church into a cult.

The PBS research claims that prior to the mass deaths Jones "confiscated medicines from every resident" and kept himself "medicated" on barbiturates and amphetamines. It doesn't take a doctor or psychiatrist to project that being on amphetamines speed and barbiturates downers could induce wild highs and lows, radical mood shifts which could certainly lead to paranoia, fear, hostility, and violence. Works Cited Metcalf, Bill. Salvation and Suicide: Jim Jones, The People's Temple, And Jonestown. Public Broadcasting Service. Richardson, James T. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each.

Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Other Sleep Deprivation Essays Sleep Deprivation Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. Sleep deprivation results in risks for cardiovascular disease,… References AI-Hafian, K. It therefore becomes obvious that long periods of… Bibliography Andreassi, John L. Although not all sources of noise… References: Addressing quietness of units best practice implementation guide. The executive summay of The Senate Intelligence Committee Repot on Totue: Committee Study of the Cental Intelligence Agency's Detention and Inteogation Pogam defines "sleep depivation" as "keeping detainees… references for Person- Versus Situation-Based Analyses of Interrogation-Induced Confessions, Am Acad Psychiatry L.

According to researchers, clues that we are sleeping less than we need include difficulty concentrating and napping during the… References Siegel, J. According to a study on the subject, "the number of… Works Cited: Ledoux, S. All sleep deprivations that are related to any kind of disease-related disintegration like restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea equally lead to neurocognitive function reductions… Reference Alhola, P. Rationale for Sleep Improvement Program for Students Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Lower grade point averages and poorer performance in school can cause long-term consequences for young adult… References The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School n. Psychology States of Consciousness Sleep Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Creating a bedtime ritual… References Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep.

Safe Sleep and Sleep Patterns for Children Under 18 Months Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : In order to understand how to establish safe sleep patterns for children less than 18 months of age is important to understand the stages of sleep, the hypothetical functions of sleep, and the needs of infants regarding sleep… References Carpenter, R. Human Factors in Aviation Safety Focusing on Fatigue Body Rhythms and Sleep Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Years later at a sleep conference, the NTSB chairman Deborah Hersman mentioned the Comair Flight tragedy and noted that establishing fatigue as a significant contributing factor is often so difficult that… References Caldwell, John A.

Relationship Between Hours of Sleep and Both of Satisfaction With Life and Cognitive Functioning Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : citizens have less sleeping… References National Sleep Foundation, Neonatal Sleep Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : These physical elements may… References Dahl, R. Psychology and Sleep Discussion Question Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Book Review Paper : Research on mice revealed that melatonin-related cancers increased when the subjects were exposed to very small levels of light during sleep and also that completely blind human beings have a lower incidence of colorectal cancers than blind people who can perceive… : It is therefore necessary for the doctor to determine the best drugs to use.

Discussions between doctors and victims are imperative in order to understand the response of patients. Sleep deprivation is also caused by sleep cycle disruptions, which interfere with the fourth stage of sleep. Oftentimes, these disruptions are described as night terrors, sleepwalking, and nightmares Bernstein Though these disorders are known not awaken a person completely, it is vital to note that they may disrupt the order of sleep cycles, forcing a person to move from the fourth stage to the first one. Victims of these disruptions require attention in order to take corrective measures. In addition, there are known environmental factors, which contribute to several cases of sleep deprivation. However, doctors argue that the impact of the environment is sometimes so minimal to be recognized by people who are affected by sleep deficiency.

In others words, these factors affect the quality of sleep without necessarily arousing a person from sleep. Common examples include extreme weather conditions, like high temperatures, noise, and poor quality of the mattress. In addition, most of the environmental factors, which contribute to sleep deprivation, can be fixed easily, without medical or professional skills. Nevertheless, the challenge is usually how to become aware of their existence. Lastly, sleep deprivation is caused by stress and depression, which have been linked to other health disorders and complications.

Together with some lifestyles in America, these factors are heavily contributing to sleep deficiency in most parts of the world. Even though they might not be acute to awaken an individual, their cumulative effects usually become significant. There are countless stressors in the world, which affect youths and adults Wells and Vaughn While young people could be concerned with passing exams, adults are normally preoccupied with pressure to attain certain goals in life. Sleep deprivation has a host of negative effects, which affect people of all ages. The commonest effect is stress. Most people who suffer from sleep deficiency are likely to experience depression frequently as compared to their counterparts who enjoy quality sleep.

As a result, stress may lead to poor performance among students at school. Research has revealed that students who spend very few hours in bed or experience disruptions during sleep are likely to register poor performance in their class assignments and final exams Wells and Vaughn Additionally, sleep deprivation causes inefficiency among employees. For instance, drivers who experience this disorder are more likely to cause accidents as compared to those who are free from it. This is based on the fact that, un-refreshed people have poor concentration and low mastery of their skills.

Besides stress and anxiety, sleep deprivation has a wide-range of health-related effects. For instance, medical experts argue that people who spend less than six hours in bed are likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Quality sleep gives the body an opportunity to rest by slowing down the rate at which it pumps blood to the rest of the body. Inadequate sleep implies that the heart has to work without its normal and recommended rest. Additionally, sleep deprivation is known to affect the immune system. People who experience this disorder end up with a weakened immune system, leaving the body prone to most illnesses.

This reduced immune response accumulates and may become fatal with time. Sleep paralysis is also a common effect of inadequate sleep Wells and Vaughn This is due to disruption of the sleep cycle. It primarily occurs when the body is aroused during the fourth stage of the sleep cycle. In this case, the body is left immobile, as the mind regains consciousness.

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