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International relations essay

International relations essay

The behaviour of the states is the central question which the theories of International Relations or theories Allison, G, international relations essay. Charli,'Women, Children, and Other Vulnerable Groups: Gender, Strategic Frames and the Protection of Civilians as a Transnational Issue', International Studies Quarterly, vol. exports, but only reduced them, to increase imports from Mexico, to stimulate the opening of manufacturing plants in Mexico and to lead to the loss of international relations essay for the American population Ultimately then, the free market is a beneficial theoretical model, but its practical implementation has only proven profitable for the corporations in the highly developed western economies. As a political ideology, liberalism is idealistic in the sense that its proponents believe that conflicts and even wars can be resolved diplomatically, and effectively through an efficient medium i.

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because the self, in this logic, becomes social though acquiring and fulfilling an institutional identity" Dunne, Kurki, and Smith What does it mean to say that identities and interests are mutually constituted? One of the central premises postulated by the constructivist theory of international relations is based on the concept of mutual constitution, a term describing a coexistent social relationship between states in which agency, or the element of independent choice, is partially dependent on the decisions of one another Dunne, Kurki, and Smith The identity of any actor necessarily determines their interests, with nations based on capitalist economies prioritizing the exploitation of natural resources for material gain, and socialist states vesting authority in a central government structure to mitigate scarcity through forcibly equalized distribution.

This is not to say that the interests of a state are irrelevant to the international relations process, but simply to…. References Dunne, Tim, Kurki, Milja, and Smith, Steve. International relations theories: discipline and diversity. Oxford University Press, USA, The author holds the position that no one tradition is best-suited in maximizing and advancing Australia's national interests in the international platform not just because all three traditions have their innate strengths but more so because these very same traditions have their innate weaknesses which make us believe that following only one line of foreign policy tradition is all but worry-free. The Evatt tradition has a widely-known pitfall. It is quite popular in the anti-capitalist discourse that international foreign organizations mainly serve the interests of the Western powerful nations, international relations essay, and Conteh-Morgan n.

As such, the author of this paper argues that allying with supranational institutions just so Australia can strengthen…. Security threats? Fox News. viewed 2 August Coteh-Morgan, Earl n. The International Journal of Peace Studies. Trading on Alliance Security: Australia in World AffairsSouth Melbourne: Oxford International relations essay Press, fails to consider the inmates as war prisoners, and does not allow them to defend themselves against the charges brought, is a complete breach of the Geneva Conventions. At the same time, statements such as Donald Rumsfeld's consideration that the prisoners of Afghanistan are unlawful combatants and do not enter the category of prisoners of war is simply a means of establishing a legal niche that would allow the State Department to increase the number of inmates and to limit the degree under which the practices from Guantanamo must face the international law scrutiny.

All these issues taken into international relations essay, it can be said that the matter of the legal status of Guantanamo inmates represents a human rights' international relations essay and it must be considered the degree in which this attitude tends to affect the United States. There is in fact no legal justification or interpretation of the Geneva Conventions…. Bibliography Al Jazeera. official wants Guantanamo shut. News Americas. htm accessed 21 March Human Rights Watch. htm accessed 21 March Kissinger, international relations essay. Nye, Joseph. Understanding international conflicts: an introduction to theory and history. New York: Pearson, International Relations Over the last several decades, the role of the UN has been constantly evolving.

Part of the reason for this is because a host of events would underscore the need for an international institution that could address: the various global, economic and political issues facing the world community. The reason why, is because the 19th century would usher in a new era of technological innovation. This would have a dramatic impact upon, the way various nations would interact with one another. As each country would often engage in actions that would support their own self-interest at the expense of everyone else. This would create rivalries among the major world powers, as every country wanted to be respected. Yet, they felt that they were strong enough militarily and economically to deal with any kind of situation. Over international relations essay course of time, these views and the different innovations from the….

Bibliography Brazil. pdf Lebanon. Martin Frost. html Liberalism. Free Dictionary. Murna Gilbert. Indeed, NATO is forced to change its attitude towards ussia as the international context is changed dramatically and challenges such as terrorism, Iran, or international relations essay are largely influenced by the ussian state. More precisely, in terms of Iran, ussia has solid international relations essay, as for Afghanistan. As for energy security, international relations essay is one of the most important players on the market and can thus influence decisively the European energetic security.

From this point-of-view, Kupchan suggests that, given history, it is better to have your enemies closer than to isolate them and enable them to eventually strike back. Topic 2 The prisoner's dilemma is one of the most important game theories applicable to international politics and relations. However, this theory plays differently, depending on the approaches it entangles. In this sense, from the point-of-view of the realist theory, the best choice for the prisoners is to both defect. This is largely due…. References Guzzini, Stefano., international relations essay. Realism in international relations and international political economy: the continuing international relations essay of a death foretold.

London: Routledge, Kupchan, Charles A. May June Achieving universal primary education is a double-edged sword, international relations essay. Though highly conducive to future economic development in low-income nations, it is an extremely expensive proposition international relations essay the wealthier nations. The World Bank itself revealed in that the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals of halving poverty would require, not merely enormous financial aid, but also the full cancellation of all debts of impoverished nations. Buxton,p. Globalism essentially demands that small local - and in the case international relations essay developing nations - traditional communities must compete against one another to attract investment from abroad.

In many ways, this produces international relations essay situation similar to that of the…. Just Get out of the Way: How Government Can Help Business in Poor Countries. Washington, DC: Cato Institute. A www. Trajectories of Anti-Globalism. By the stipulation that a prince ought to surrender his territories if he altered his faith an obstruction was positioned in the manner of an additional increase of the eformation. The announcement that all objections or rejections by whoever declared ought to be unfounded and annulled delivered a rage at the interference of the oman curia in German dealings. The constitutional alterations set down by the treaty had extensive results. The territorial power of the states of the kingdom was documented.

They were authorized to convention agreements with one another and with distant authorities; offer that the emperor and the empire experienced no unfairness, international relations essay. Because of this and other alterations the princes of the empire turned into complete royals in their own commands. Both the emperor and the diet were now just a meager silhouette of their previous authority. The emperor could not declare the veto of the empire lacking…. References Cavendish, Richard. The treaty of Westphalia. History Today, 48 10p. Cruz, Laura, MacRae, Andrew and Farr, Jason. Policy Point -- Counterpoint: Is Westphalia International relations essay International Social Science Review.

Farr, Jason, international relations essay. Point: The Westphalia Legacy and the Modern Nation-State. Instead, they would use the help of various international organizations that they had forged strong alliances with. At which point, many of the changes that the rebels were seeking were implemented. Where, they continue to remain focused on supporting those indigenous organizations that are struggling against the injustices of globalization. This has caused the rebels to offer support to similar anti-globalization causes taking place in: Cuba, olivia and Ecuador. In this case, international relations essay, the neo-realist approach that was used by Mexican government to negotiate some kind of lasting peace agreement with the rebels, failed.

For the PRI, they had to engage in such actions because they did not have popular support. This allowed the rebels to use the media to point out how they are the illegitimate government of the Mexican people. Then, international relations essay, when Fox became President he continued to engage in the same kind of action, the only difference is…. Bibliography Goldstein, J. International Relations. New York, international relations essay, NY: Longman Corp. Hart, P Bitter Harvest. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. Holloway, J. Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, international relations essay. Joseph, G.

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What led to the Iraq war was what took place on September 11, The deadliest terror attack on U. soil was the biggest reason the Second Gulf War took place. This war was set out to accomplish a set of goals; […]. The Louisiana Purchase, made in December , was a generous offer of land through the Louisiana Treaty between the French and the United States. Nuclear weapons to this day still pose a direct threat to us and other countries. These weapons require no military […]. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on International relations prepared by our experts:. Operation Neptune Spear Overview Abstract From the scorching Iraqi deserts to the freezing nights of Abbottabad, Pakistan, the U.

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The Persian Gulf War Saddam Hussein, Iraqi leader ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait in early August Home Government Politics International Relations. Essays on International Relations We found 89 free papers on International Relations. The Role of Non-state Actors in International Relations International Relations. Muammar Al-Gaddafi Government International Relations Terrorism. Role of Mazzini and Cavour in unification of Italy Conflict Europe International Relations Nationalism. Summary of the vienna convention Diplomacy Government International law International Relations National Security Political science.

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References Cavendish, Richard. The treaty of Westphalia. History Today, 48 10 , p. Cruz, Laura, MacRae, Andrew and Farr, Jason. Policy Point -- Counterpoint: Is Westphalia History? International Social Science Review. Farr, Jason. Point: The Westphalia Legacy and the Modern Nation-State. Instead, they would use the help of various international organizations that they had forged strong alliances with. At which point, many of the changes that the rebels were seeking were implemented. Where, they continue to remain focused on supporting those indigenous organizations that are struggling against the injustices of globalization. This has caused the rebels to offer support to similar anti-globalization causes taking place in: Cuba, olivia and Ecuador.

In this case, the neo-realist approach that was used by Mexican government to negotiate some kind of lasting peace agreement with the rebels, failed. For the PRI, they had to engage in such actions because they did not have popular support. This allowed the rebels to use the media to point out how they are the illegitimate government of the Mexican people. Then, when Fox became President he continued to engage in the same kind of action, the only difference is…. Bibliography Goldstein, J. International Relations. New York, NY: Longman Corp. Hart, P Bitter Harvest.

Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. Holloway, J. Sterling, VA: Pluto Press. Joseph, G. The Mexico Reader. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. International elations Studies and research programs from inter-disciplinarity of sociology have proved that the society is essential to be protected. Social, political, economic and cultural aspects are evidently vital in promoting development and the improvement of life style, which eventually accounts for societal development. From previous projects, the society is a depiction of human life illuminating facets of social life to coax the modern world systems. Various theories have summed up their relationship to the society in terms of ideologies and propositions that assist human beings to understand the society better.

eligion, education, family units, economies and their functions, international security, trade and the role of governments are some of the elements that previous projects have assisted in compiling vital aspects of society. Veto Power and Security The United Nations arm that deals with international security works under policies decided upon by the members. The UN Security Council consists of…. References Al-Suwaidi, A. Finance of International Trade in the Gulf. New York: BRILL Bourdieu, P. The Social Structures of the Economy. New York: Polity. Fassbender, B. UN Security Council Reform and the Right of Veto: A Constitutional Perspective. New Jersey: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Ragaini, R. International Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies: 43rd Session: E.

Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture Erice, Italy, August Chicago: World Scientific. This form of ilsonian idealism has been somewhat tempered by a more contemporary reformulation of idealism, social constructivism. Social constructivism therefore stresses that the creation of international institutions in general and international organizations in particular, depends on whether there is a consensus over values and norms" such as a desire for peace or regional economic development Blanke Social constructivists, more so than normative idealists or both schools of realists, stress the need for regional actors to have an influence on international events, as it is more likely they can achieve such a normative consensus of values.

Discuss the provisions of the ar Powers Act of hy was the Act enacted? In the…. Works Cited Blanke, Herman J. April 30, pdf "Does Bush Need Congressional Okay to Invade Iraq? Government About. Nations play the international finance game, manipulating the institutions that govern the world economy for their own benefit, and that of the corporations that operation within their borders. The problem of China has been particularly acute given the confluence of public and private as represented by its communistic system, and by the People's Republic's willingness to use the floating dollar to its own considerable economic advantage.

By having pegged, or near-pegged its currency to the American dollar for so long, China has benefited by seeing its vast numbers of exports to the United States remain eminently affordable despite the dollar's steep slide. The Asian nation remains a magnet for estern companies eager to find cheap sources of manufactured goods and, as with India, a prime location for the outsourcing that many allege is robbing developed economies of even high-skilled jobs. India is particularly noted for its cultivation of high-tech industries…. Works Cited Friedman, Thomas L.

Mallaby, Sebastian. May Rourke, John T. New York: McGraw-Hill, Sachs, Jeffrey D. July-August International Relations Morrow, James. Edited by IRA Katznelson and Helen Milner, pages In his article "International onflict: Assessing the Democratic Peace and Offense-Defense Theory" the political scientist and author James Morrow posits as his central query why different international actors such as states fight when there are peaceful settlements that both states would ideally prefer, as opposed to entering into a conflict. Thus, why do states enter into war? Morrow begins his article with a theoretical overview of the potential reasons states enter into war, and ends with several specific examples, including the nations involved in World War II.

Morrow is…. Conflict is costly, but alas, Morrow states, conflict is not the only way nations measure extracted costs. War's costs are unpredictable, of course, but other nation's behavior patterns are unpredictable during negotiations. There may be some predictability in terms of specific interactions between specific nations, based on past behavior, but no national actions can be predicted with unerring accuracy. First and foremost, Morrow stresses, it is critical to examine variation across and within cases, rather than trying to predict the outcome of individual cases. Ultimately, despite his theoretical construction, Morrow takes a dim view of theoretical predictability given that offensive-defensive theory does not necessarily predict even the conflicts of the past such as World Wars I and II.

However, despite the lack of predictability of international actors and resultant war, even from an offensive point-of-view, one of the costs of initiating a crisis is the chance that it will escalate to war. If the parties involved can anticipate the magnitude of that chance, then coercive diplomacy becomes less attractive as the chance it will result in war rises. Of course, the full effects of all factors on the probability of a crisis and of it escalating the crisis are never certain. Morrow Morrow suggests to mitigate potential unpredictability, nations should examine not pre-historical or pre-existing measures of resolve, in other words, the current actions taken during a crisis, rather than pre-crisis balances of capabilities of actions Morrow citing Fearon b.

Thus the states involved change their strategies accordingly Morrow concludes his article with an overall critique of the supposed universality of offensive-defensive theory, particularly is failure to account for democratic society's better ability to achieve a sense of peace between one another -- a tendency, obviously, not a universal postulate. Still, he states that such a theory as offensive-defensive theory does not explain wars taken for limited ends, merely assuming that wars are undertaken willingly by at least one of the participants though strategic responses to expectations about the likely course of a war may not be as straightforward as the theory assumes. He feels that he last perspective explicitly adopts values that focus on justice and human dignity and strives to shape an emerging order of non-territorial central guidance to serve values associated with humanity as a whole, rather than promote the particular interests of favored religious, ethnic or geographic segments.

Faulk's views of these perspectives are very straightforward and to the point. I think that the last perspective of a global populism based on human solidarity is the best of the four. It is the one that takes into account the fact that the world is becoming more and more global everyday. There is no denying that the world is becoming a smaller place all the time as more companies expand into the global marketplace. Because of this fact there is no longer any room for particular interests based on religion, ethnicity or geography. In order to be successful in the…. International Relations: Answers to Questions There are two types of actors in international relations -- state and non-state actors.

States are the more important actors of the two; however, their activities are influenced to a significant extent by non-state actors. The term 'non-state actors' collectively refers to those individuals, organizations, groups or movements that have substantial influence over a country's international activities although they are not regarded as state institutions[footnoteRef:1]. They include sub-state actors, intergovernmental organizations IGOs , multinational corporations MNCs , non-governmental organizations NGOs , political groups that advocate violence terrorists , and international criminal groups[footnoteRef:2]. These actors serve a number of crucial roles in IR. One of their key goals is to aid a country in opinion-building.

The United Nations Human Rights Council UNHRC , for instance, gives advice to member states on how proposed international activities are likely to affect other countries' abilities to enjoy their human rights. On a different note,…. Bibliography Gentleman, Amelia. Harald Muller and Carmen Vunderlich, Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, Finally, Paris introduces the concept of a matrix-based approach designed to include both military and non-military threats to nation states to address the traditional focus of security threats to the entire spectrum of potential threats to nations from external origin, internal conflict, as well as from nonviolent threats of a more chronic nature that affect individuals rather than whole societies. Applying International Relations and Security Principles to an Imprecise Concept: Paris is correct in his observation that the concept of human security is an extremely broad notion that comprises individual components of widely varied significance.

Likewise, it is true that different approaches to the issue and the definitions offered by various theorists are mutually contradictory and that even within any single framework, subjective application and arbitrary distinctions render any conclusions susceptible to corruption and diversion for the purposes of justifying internal policies and expenditures of public resources as well as…. It has had the most success in stabilizing regions and winning concessions through idealistic policies. The reason for this is simple: ideas and money travel faster than bullets. Diplomacy may not always deliver the immediate results that the use of force and intimidation may have, but information, ideas and money have much stronger, lasting results. The Cold ar ended and Eastern Europe was pacified not because Reagan built more bombs he didn't , but because Eastern Europeans longed for the freedoms and wealth enjoyed by their counterparts in the west.

Few nations are truly isolationist. The nature of global trade and travel has allowed for economic and ideological spread to penetrate the borders of all but the most determined nations. A United States filled with new immigrants and trading with the world cannot…. Works Cited: Euronews. Heightened tension as Russia drops arms treaty. And Smith, G. html Barber, B. Jihad vs. Atlantic Monthly. html Graebner, N. Realism and idealism. Encyclopedia of the New American Nation. To Walsh, the need for international politics remains. Interdependence, he argues, will never be complete. States desire to retain control over key resources that could be denied them in times of war or crisis.

There is a certain level of mistrust between states, and that fuels the need for international politics despite increasing interdependence. Moreover, interdependence also fuels more opportunities before war, because it creates more situations for offense or resentment, especially given that interdependence does not imply an even dependence between nations. That the relationships are often uneven specifically creates the conditions for international politics. The rise of modern institutions such as the EU and NATO are supposed to smooth the way to peace.

Walsh's point is that even an institution such as NATO is beholden to states. The framework for globalization is set by the stronger nations and their corporations. Even when weaker nations benefit from globalization, they may not be seeing as much benefit as they would have had they had equal bargaining power. It has also been argued that while it is nation-states that implement globalization, they merely do so at the behest of their corporations. It is the corporations, then, that truly drive the globalization agenda. This occurs to the point where, ultimately, a truly globalized world will be one market, with the relevance of the nation-state greatly reduced Baker, hile it is governments that promote globalization, it is corporations that must execute it.

They trade the goods, move the money and hire the people. Ultimately, it is corporate interests that reap the benefits of globalization first. From there, the wealth needs to trickle down through the economy, in the form of wages,…. Works Cited: Krugman, P. Ricardo's Difficult Idea. htm Baker, M. Globalization is the new imperialism. Executive Intelligence Review. html World Bank. Measuring inequality. World Bank. html International Monetary Fund website, various pages. As stated clearly in the book, ut in today's world, a nation's form of government, not its 'civilization' or its geographic location, maybe the best predictor of its geopolitical alignment. Thus, Japan will have more in general with another democracy, even though it is not racially same, that it will with China.

He further discussed that the dictatorship are unsafe, not only because they have unfair internal policies, in fact they normally experiencing fast economic growth Dejevsky, This permit them to support a more authoritative and threatening military with which to pressurize democracies: like, Russia's flourishing oil wealth had conflicts with the European Union and sent nuclear bombers on training trip on Western side, while China on the other hand makes more…. Bibliography Zakaria; Fareed. The Rise of the Rest. May Joffe; Joseff. New York Times. May Dejevsky, Mary. The view from Camp McCain: "The Return of History and the End of Dreams by Robert Kagan.

The Return of History and the End of Dreams by Robert Kagan. International elations: Nationalism Author Umut Ozkirimli makes an important point at the outset of his book: though nationalism has been around for more than two hundred years, serious scholarly examinations of the "origins and spread" of nationalism did not begin until the First World War, and began to seriously pick up momentum only after WWII. Why this is a fact is up for discussion, but perhaps, a naive reader might surmise, it could be that the fanatical nationalism put into play by Hitler - to brow-beat his nation into believing Aryan "master race" lies and that the mass slaughter of Jews was justified - stimulated a wealth of academic analysis into the field of nationalism.

But a quick glance at the book's Index reveals that the name of "Hitler" does not appear in this book, and "Nazism" appears twice. And thus, one's narrow preconceptions of "nationalism" are severely amended through…. References Ozkirimli, Umut. Theories of Nationalism: A Critical Introduction. New York: St. Martin's Press, Smith, Anthony D. National Identity. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Press, Because of the army's status as Serbs, however, it aided only the rebels, leaving the Croats to fend for themselves. But the conflict did not stay within the boarders of Croatia. Instead, it pushed past the boundaries of Bosnia Herzegovina and led to one of the most bitter and bloodiest battles of the war, which included the Serbs and Yugoslavian People's Army fighting against the Croats and Muslims of Bosnia.

The violence of the conflict would allow Bosnia to take focus as one of the most disastrous sites of the war. The conflict not only caused massive amounts of bloodshed, but also fear that created an international attempt to aid victims and would-be victims on both sides "Along Ethnic Fault Lines". The extent of the ethnic conflicts, and the degree to which the violence flourished because of them, has been proved, primarily through the Serbian-Croatian conflict, the preferences of the…. Works Cited Anastasiou, Harry. Ferguson, Niall. The War of the World. New York, Penguin, Mandelbaum, Michael. For a brief time after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States again stood unchallenged. However, in a clear demonstration of the consequences of a failure to use all elements of the reconstructive philosophy - political, economic, and military - the United States interfered economically in the former Soviet union while neglecting other aspects of Russian development.

The result was the growth of Russian antagonism as Russia degenerated into a political free for all and large parts of its military apparatus were sold off to dangerous rogue entities. The result was the empowerment of hostile forces throughout the Muslim world and the eventual re-emergence of Russia as sometime champion of these anti-American elements. At the very least, Russia offers an alternative to America - a fact that is dangerous for American ambitions. Today's disputes can now be solved only through multilateral agreements, or rather, through the application of…. Works Cited Fukayama, Francis. Hamre, John J. And Sullivan, Gordon R. The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Autumn Miskel, James E. Winter , Vol.

Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. According to Jeff Daniels, American is no longer the greatest nation in the world, yet America was once the greatest nation in the world. Although this might seem to be a very humbling stance to take, it is, in fact, yet another example of the mentality of American exceptionalism. The myth of American exceptionalism suggests that America is a unique and special nation, unparalleled in human history. It also suggests that America must strive to fulfill its destiny to be the greatest nation in the world.

This is an extremely dangerous mindset and ultimately alienates America from the world community. The idea that America is somehow special is perhaps the most ordinary thing about the nation. References Semuels, A. Poor at 20, poor for life. The Atlantic. The myth of American exceptionalism. Foreign Policy. International elations Theory and United Nations Peace: International elations I field normally focuses on the study of how various state systems can be made to work more efficiently to improve the power of law, maintain order, manage interstate affairs peacefully, and lessen prospects of war. The word relation in this field is used to denote the inclusion of more than political affairs to aspects like conflict and peace.

International relations field is closely linked administratively to political science departments O'Connor, Actually, the field of international relations traces its origin from various subfields including international law, diplomatic history, and international economics. While it's still early to consider international relations as a sovereign field of study, it has broken from the analytical procedures of economics and law as well as the ongoing process of breaking from political science. Consequently, this field has become an important facet because of the conceptualizations of….

References: Ahmed, S. Keating P. Conciliation seems to be more to the purpose, if opposing bodies are expected to work together to govern a country. Humphrey said in his study on From Victim to Victimhood, "By contrast, trials have played a much smaller role during political transition and thus have addressed far fewer victims. They have, however, been very important in re-establishing the authority of law and the state" hat division of labor among states, international institutions and non-governmental organizations is likely to prove most effective in meeting the challenges of the post-Cold ar era in the future? Bush, President of the United States of America, appears to believe that the United States must police the world, leading other nations into controlling what he considers dangerous policies in other countries, while taking preemptive action against them on his own.

hile Bush knows that the laws of war are different from the…. Works Cited Bass, Gary J. Decision on the Establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Official Gazette of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, No. Dickinson, Laura a. Freeman, Mark. Oct With their growing industry-based economy, the Chinese are becoming more prosperous, but they are also becoming the most polluting nation on earth. Another writer notes, "The situation continues to deteriorate because even when Beijing sets ambitious targets to protect the environment, local officials generally ignore them, preferring to concentrate on further advancing economic growth" Economy, Global warming threatens the entire planet, and with more pollution entering the environment from China, through both industry and automobiles, the global environment is severely threatened.

This is a threat that will face many generations to come, and could change the face of the entire planet, and because of this, China is the nation's and world's biggest threat. eferences Economy, E. The great leap backward? etrieved 22 Jan. Ikenberry, G. The rise of China and the future of the West: Can the liberal system…. References Economy, E. Retrieved 22 Jan. The rise of China and the future of the West: Can the liberal system survive? The same access to formerly secret information from the Cold War era also revealed the extent to which Soviet infiltration of the highest level of American military projects had served to further exhaust the American economy by necessitating continual development of strategic and tactical weapon systems to counter escalating technological improvements in Soviet military systems.

The first successful test of a Soviet nuclear weapon in was directly attributable to Soviet infiltration of the top secret Manhattan Project; American pilots flew combat missions against Soviet Mig fighters developed with information stolen from American weapon designs through espionage; and that dynamic persisted virtually throughout the Cold War Langewiesche The financial strain of continuous nuclear deterrence and the perpetual modernization and updating of sophisticated strategic weapon systems was among the principle causes of the eventual collapse of the former Soviet Union. By , the protracted war in Afghanistan had all but…. Langewiesche, W. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Girouh.

McNamara, R. New York: Random House. international relations: idealism vs. realism The theories of international relations have been seen as a mechanism thru which practitioners in the area of international politics as well as scholars tried to explain the way in which international politics function and how the behavior of states and actors on the international scene can be anticipated. The beginning of the 20th century was a period of deep consideration for international politics, given the First World War and its aftermath. The idealistic approach on international politics tried to explain the behavior states had after the end of the war and also define the period between the two conflagrations.

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