These are self assessment essays I am strongly committed to, and though I do not view my reticence as unethical, my opinion will only do good when voiced, so in a way I suppose I am doing a disservice by not speaking out more often. Studies e. Technological changes have made it possible to assess clinical performance in ways that are far more advanced than pencil and paper tests relied on in the past Dauphinee, I also found that because this assignment emphasized wholly but concisely explaining a technical product, it was hard for me to come up with a description that did not feel like it was leaving out crucial information which meant multiple revisions and a lot of time editing, self assessment essays. They are better than average, yet they are not outstanding. July
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This is interesting news for me. Emotional intelligence is an issue in education and in the professional world that has garnered increased attention in the 21st century. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence is now two decades old. At first, considered radical and tenuous, now is considered practical and growing increasing more necessary in order to function in this 21st century society, as well as a sought after commodity and skill. I do have confidence in my score, but very good scores are sometimes difficult. They are better than average, yet they are not outstanding. Very good scores require very fine tweaking in order to push them just….
References: Russell, J. Is there universal recognition of emotion from expression? Psychological Bulletin,self assessment essays, Smith, M. Howard Gardner and multiple intelligences. Self-Assessment and eflection According to Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ July : "Self-awareness includes the competencies of emotional awareness, accurate self-assessment and self-confidence. Skill in knowing about personal strengths and limits and self-worth are related to these competencies. For example, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, my personality type is ISTJ introverted, sensory, thinking, judgingwhich I find useful in assessing my own personality style and strengths.
The Fundamental Interpersonal elations Orientation-Behavior FIO-B test, an assessment tool used for improving working relationships and individual effectiveness, places me at the midway point between 'need for inclusion' and 'need for self assessment essays control'. In other tests I have taken, self assessment essays, results indicate personality characteristics including self-confidence; adaptability; initiative; empathy; service orientation, and ability in…. References Bush, G. Name of article.
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Leadership Development: Paths to Self-Insight and Professional Growth. The management control area of authorize processing including certification and accreditation has been defined within Coyote Systems through the use of roles-based logins and access privileges and the use of certification of role-based access to ensure security. The company has found that through the use of role-based security authentication and the defining of rights by role, the certification and accreditation audits are far more efficient in being completed, and provide far greater value. The previous approach of stratifying authorization to use systems within the company and the definition of access privileges by application, development tool, development region, or workbench development areas accessible globally over the network have been redesigned to define role-based approvals instead.
This approach to roles-based workflows and the integration of only those system resources required for use has made auditability and compliance, hence certification more efficient. If there is variation from a role-based process alerts are immediately…. Developing a Professional Identity Pursuing an education specialist degree has solidified my professional identity, as I build confidence in my skill set and level of competency. I have already established myself within the field of education but have shifted focus to special education. This course has helped me to develop a professional identity as a special education teacher and one who eventually hopes to advocate and inform public policy.
Personal Philosophy and Ethics My personal philosophy of education is based on ethical principles like equality and social justice, which is also what drove me to learn more about how I can contribute to the field of special education. Otherwise, educators have no way of gauging their contributions to the profession or even of assessing the impact they make…. References Barrett, K. Establishing effective time management practices for coursework. Lewis, S. Qualitative inquiry and research design. Health Promotion Practice 16 4 : Kirillov, A. Theory and practice of time management in education.
v11n19p Krek, J. Why there is no education ethics without principles. Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 3 : MacFarlane, B. Academic integrity: a review of the literature. Studies in Higher Education 39 2 : I need to acknowledge that I can only control how I react with an environment, but that I cannot control the environment itself, and I can try to ensure that my reactions are consistent across time and space. Finally, I need to make some changes to how I deal with stress in general, which may make me more resilient in my professional life. I need to learn to laugh at myself, and I need to embrace a more optimistic outlook.
Finally, because resiliency is linked to personal stress levels, I need to engage in healthy behaviors, such as eating right and exercising. Title of the Assessment: Assessing Your Creative Personality Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the assessing your creative personality assessment is to estimate the subject's creative potential. I have a plan for my own life as well, and this plan is aligned with my current efforts, including my leadership studies. I may not be the most charismatic leader, but I will have good plans that when implemented will lead to success. I am generally open to change, and I enjoy experiencing new things.
I am cautious with respect to making major changes, because I want to evaluate what the impact of those changes might be, but for minor changes I am usually willing to try new things. I am less an influencer, however. I tend to feel that others should make up their own minds with respect to change -- forcing people out of their comfort zone is not something that I do much. I will need to be more assertive with respect to motivating others to make changes, however. Doing so will make me a stronger…. Leadership and Self-Assessment Organizational Behavior An Analysis of how Self-Evaluation and Self-Assessment relates to Leadership Today The modern organizational environment must keep pace with changes that are occurring at a historically unprecedented rate.
Many of these changes are driven by technology and require that leaders continually learn new skills in order to stay abreast of needed skill requirements. It is often the case that a leader will have difficulty getting performance feedback from their superiors because they generally do not work in close contact with supervisors and in some case may not even have one at all. Therefore a leader must rely on self-assessments primarily to further develop the skill set that will allow them to help their organization create or maintain a competitive advantage. The use of an evaluation program has been shown to be able…. Works Cited Alipour, F. Knowledge Creation and Transfer: Role of Learning Organization. International Journal of Business Administration, 2 3 , pp.
Avey, J. Psychological capital: A positive resource for combating employee stress and turnover. Human Resource Management, 48 5 , pp. Becker, K. Implementing an employee performance management system in a nonprofit organization. Halliday, S. Informal Learning. At a Glance. National Centre for Vocational Education Research, 12 1 , pp. Ethical Self-Assessment The role of ethics in healthcare is to mitigate risks and ensure oversight of each strategic process area, ensuring patient treatment quality consistency and transparency. The American College of Healthcare Executives ACHE Code of Ethics and its self-assessment provide foundational insights into how ethical decisions can be more effectively made and how decision making can align effectively to the ACHE standards.
Ethics are the foundation of patient trust and need to be the catalyst of transparency throughout a healthcare provider organization to the practice level and ultimately solidifying patient and healthcare provider collaboration to common goals Higgins, Gross, Hackett, In the highest-performing healthcare providers, there is a tight alignment of patient expectations and the need for transparency on the one hand, and the ethics and willingness of a healthcare provider to disclose data and knowledge necessary to keep treatment plans progressing Frederick, Wasieleski, Weber, In addition….
References Ehlen, K. Ethics and decision making in healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Management, 43 3 , Frederick, W. Values, ethics, and moral reasoning among healthcare professionals: A survey. HEC Forum, 12 2 , Higgins, W. Ethical guidance in the era of managed care: An analysis of the American College of healthcare executives' code of ethics. Journal of Healthcare Management, 45 1 , ; discussion Weil, Peter A, PhD. Journal of Healthcare Management, 55 2 , ; discussion Leadership Self-Assessment Analysis In the wake of the corporal scandals of Enron and the Arthur Anderson Company, there have been increased calls for strong ethical leadership.
Leadership had always been regarded as a key factor in ensuring the effectiveness of any organization. However, new models are also being developed to challenge the limitations of the prevailing classical theories of leadership. This paper argues for a tempered approach, one that combines effective leadership with good management. Both factors are important, since over-managed and under-led organizations tend to lose sight of their goals. By the same token, while charismatic leaders can lead their organizations to high levels of success, the lack of management skills means that such victories do not last in the long run. The growing awareness of corporate and white-collar crime has likewise presented new challenges to the classical leadership model.
Organization leaders should now be wary of lawsuits the…. References Bolman, Lee G. And Deal, Terrence E. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2nd ed. Northouse, Peter G. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishing. We are more than welcome to assist any client who has trouble understanding anything. However, we do not offer to meet with clients whose first language is not English to decipher communications that they might not understand. Making this effort goes a long way toward promoting client health and well being. We do have bilingual staff but Spanish is the only language besides English that is well-represented. It would be more helpful to hire people who have some command of other languages that our clients might speak.
One of the areas I believe we do well in is sensitivity to diverse views of family and health. We allow extended members of the family to visit and consult with them too. I understand that people from different cultures grieve differently, too. Finally, I would be better off reading peer-reviewed journal articles as to the most current best practices that take cultural…. My plans for fixing this area of ethical weakness is simply t more carefully observe the behavior of the individuals within my organization, and to feel more open in expressing any concerns I have. I also think I should become more proactive in my dealings with other administrators, specifically in the areas of encouraging individual community service and organizational involvement in community health needs and opportunities.
These are issues I am strongly committed to, and though I do not view my reticence as unethical, my opinion will only do good when voiced, so in a way I suppose I am doing a disservice by not speaking out more often. The basic premise of most ethical systems can be expressed by the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Others things unwilling admit. One improve personal relationships increase. Self-assessment I see myself as an individual who is unhesitant about getting actively involved in activities that are innovative but that I consider beneficial for me and for the team as a whole. As a manager I've learnt that decision making is an essential step in assisting the community experience progress and I thus feel that it is always important for me to be prepared to make right decisions, regardless of the gravity of a situation.
y being well-acquainted with strategies I can use in critical conditions I consider that I am better trained to deal with situations that others might interpret as having no solution whatsoever. My life experiences shaped…. Bibliography: Philips, Jean M. My score for money as power was therefore well below average, while the other two were respectively slightly below and slightly above average. My total score was 32; somewhat below average. I was not surprised by these scores. I have very little regard for money in terms of status. I do not believe that success can be measured in one's bank balance, as there are so many personal factors that also play a role in what constitutes one's status in life.
I also do not believe that this will ever change, regardless of internal or external factors. This is a consistent value that has resulted from my ability to observe and think critically about life and what is important. In terms of retention time, I am quite conscientious regarding…. Ethics in Health Care The role of ethics within the medical profession is extremely important and it is extremely necessary to abide by a high standard of ethical behavior while working in this industry. The trust that patients and people place within the medical profession dictates this high level of ethical behavior.
The purpose of this essay is to examine the influence of individual ethics on decision making the health care industry using the ACHE self-assessment test as a guide to highlight key issues regarding this approach. The ACHE self-assessment provided some, but not much guidance on the way medical professionals should conduct their business. Many of the questions were quite superficial and did not really hit at the true ethical issues that are present within the medical field. For me, ethics cannot be standardized to the extent where there are automatic responses to challenging situations.
ather, the ethical approach…. Health Self-Assessment Identify which three of the six dimensions of health you are strongest in. According to this self-assessment instrument, my three strongest health dimensions are Social Health, Spiritual Health, and Intellectual Health. I scored a 4 out of 5 in each of those areas. By comparison, I scored a 3 in each of the other three measures Physical Health, Emotional Health, and Environmental Health. Describe why you think the identified three dimensions are your strongest. I scored well in Social Health because I am comfortable with the impressions that I make on people and because I tend to get along well with others.
I also participate in various social activities and genuinely enjoy interacting with others, including those who are different from me. My family relationships are healthy and fulfilling, I am fully present and available in my personal relationships, I am considerate of others, I contribute positively to…. Innovation comes into the picture when a leader has the self-knowledge and self-confidence to devise innovative solutions. Leaders without a high level of self-confidence will typically be more conservative in their approach, and that can make it more difficult for those leaders to adjust. Innovation, therefore, comes from having a high level of confidence in one's abilities -- and that in turn comes from understanding your skills and how they can be best put to use in a given situation.
The article is insightful with respect to the role that emotional intelligence, particularly with regard to oneself, plays in decision-making. While managers often see themselves as highly rational, we all use our intuition more than perhaps we realize. The lesson to take from this is not that intuition should be suppressed, but that we should better understand the processes that affect that intuition. The more we know about ourselves, how…. References: Goleman, D. no date. Working with Emotional Intelligence.
I decided to take their idea of turning the adoption of the system into a game, and it would be one entirely available offline as well. This would give the older workers a chance to compete and see their progress. I devised a game of showing not productivity, but customer satisfaction -- a rare metric that was captured in our post-department surveys. The senior managers of the department had extensive dashboards on productivity alone and were at times too obsessed with it, I thought. People in the department considered their worth in productivity alone, not so much in the customer satisfaction they delivered. Focusing on that metric, I put together a short dashboard and had a meeting with everyone in the department, saying that the new system would be used for showing how they as a team delighted and excelled for our internal customers.
Immediately the barriers came down with…. In risk management, organizations can "systematically identify potential exposures, take corrective actions early, and learn from those actions to achieve objectives" David, , p. CSA in a company takes place to control and maybe to develop more controls if required within the company or a department. Within an organizational department, the employees are to determine the hindrances to be overcome or the strength to be leveraged and they are to agree on the most appropriate action to do to improve on the situation. One of the strengths of this management tool is that, it brings employees together, so that they can be able to identify and focus….
References Hightower, R. Pickett, K. The essential handbook of internal auditing: Wiley El-Dine, D. Auditors, I. Control Self-Assessment Workshop Facilitator's Guide: Institute of Internal Auditors.. He looks at the methodological and practical problems that can impact assessment research in correctional settings, including the distinctive culture in correctional institutes. Megargee's reason for doing the research is today's huge population of incarcerated persons and the fact that psychological research that has been conducted on people outside of the incarceration setting may not be applicable to people who are incarcerated. He recognizes that there is a need for research in this area to determine whether tools developed elsewhere are applicable. He points out the irony of this lack of applicable research because clinical psychology was developed in the criminal justice setting.
He does not really conduct any individual research, therefore the methodology is most akin to a literature review in which he assesses the information available about correctional institutions and draws conclusions from that information to determine why there is a lack of research on assessment in correctional…. References Author Last Name, First Initial. Chapter 3: Looking into the clinician's mirror: cultural self-assessment. In Editor's Last Name, First Initial Ed. Book Title. Place of Publication, Publisher. Megargee, E. Assessment research in correctional settings: Methodological issues and practical problems. Psychological Assessment, 7 3 , When the subject in question can align his or her behavior alongside the principles of these values as a charismatic leader, then, is the first step to conquer in being believed to live up to the depiction projected.
This individual must display a character for everyone in the room to befriend; must draw the imagery of that charismatic personality that everyone will both want to resemble or simulate in style, as well as assist in the here-and-now. Compare and contrast leadership theories in the textbooks to gain understanding of relevant theories to your leadership approach: epresentative of…. References Conger, J. Toward a behavioral theory of charismatic leadership in organizational settings. Academy of Management Review, 12, Conger, J. Charismatic leadership. The elusive factor in organizational effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Perceived behavioral attributes of charismatic leadership.
Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 24, Charismatic leadership in organizations - Perceived behavioral-attributes and their measurement. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, Qualities as an Authentic Leader Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire has helped me measure the component comprising Authentic Leadership Northouse, Thus, under self-awareness questions, I was aware of my strengths, limitations, how I influence others and how they view me as a leader. Transparency is an essential tool for me that have enabled me to reinforce my high leadership levels of openness with others in the organization.
Therefore, this has given them an opportunity to be forthcoming with their opinions, challenges, and ideas. This aspect has gone a long way in solving company problems and hence, many are the times that a leader and his team work in getting solutions to a situation as a team. In today's business world, ethics is being advocated for and therefore, my ethical or moral aspect as a leader showed high degrees because I have set high moral and ethical standards of conduct in…. References List: Northouse, P. Leadership: Theory and Practice 7th Ed. Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications. Nichols, T. Authentic Leadership and Implicit Theory: A Normative Form of Leadership?
Self-Directed Assessment Self-Assessment Research Finding a career path that is both financial rewarding and personally satisfying can be a trying process. hile many workers find positions that are either financial rewarding, or personally satisfying, ultimately the two goals are subtly linked. hen a person settles for a career path that is financial rewarding, but exists outside the scope of their personal values or talents, the career can produce feelings of unhappiness in the individual, and lead to the syndrome. A person works forty hours per week, for roughly 40 years, and tops out at a 40K per year salary.
On the other hand, a person who finds the career he or she loves can spend a lifetime building personal accomplishments, which will quite often lead to expanded opportunity and expanded earning potential. Finding the ideal path for the career minded individual is a function of matching the person's desires…. Works Cited The Self-Directed Search Assessment. Accessed 22 Oct. Self-Directed Search-What is the Self-Directed Search? Reardon, Robert, and PAR Staff General. Gottfredson, G. K Dictionary of Holland occupational codes. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press. If a psychotherapist is used to assessing their own performance then they themselves will be that much more effective. That benefits all parties involved for patient to doctor.
A counselor's duties are first and foremost, pushing and challenging their client in a safe environment. it's imperative that a client feel unthreatened but still be pushed beyond their comfort zone which, oftentimes, becomes interacting with daily life. How then, to judge growth? If a counselor is self-employed then it becomes crucial to continuously and regularly check and grade oneself for the client. Any form of therapy produces some resistance to changing old ways. Client's often feel their not moving or growing when in reality, they've made huge strides they cannot see. With no supervisor to answer to and the misinterpretation by the patient themselves, self-assessment is key. Identifying what techniques are helping and what are hindering. Only in education are we…. References Dunning, D.
Self-insight: roadblocks and detours on the path to knowing thyself. Psychology Press; New York, NY. Morrissette, P. Self-supervision: A primer for counselors and helping professionals. Brunner-Routledge; New York, NY. Literacy in Secondary School in Ireland The literacy curriculum in secondary school in Ireland is based on a strategy of language-related lesson modifications, identified by Peregoy and Boyle as good methods of ensuring that differentiation occurs in the classroom. This strategy allows for the use of "visuals, concrete objects, direct experience, and other nonverbal means to convey lesson content" alongside the main lesson taught by the teacher in the classroom Peregoy, Boyle In my area, this is consistent with what we experienced in school, and differentiation is a huge part of the cycle -- as much of what is centered on literacy is done so with direct relation to experiential learning, the use of visual aids, and the expression of ideas identified in readings via nonverbal means, such as drawings, videos or performance in the classroom.
At the same time, there is a notable urgency among literacy leaders and…. Works Cited Department of Education and Skills Press Release. ie, Gottlieb, M. Assessing English Language Learners. CA: Corwin Press, Peregoy, S. Reading, Writing and Learning. MA: Pearson, Value Orientation I tend to prefer eclectic counseling above all other modalities, generally scripting my practice towards particular individuals and directing my approach towards his or her personality. That is as it should be. Nonetheless, I myself have certain preferences and these are in order of rank: behaviorism not excluding mentalism ; most aspects of Rogerian counseling; a barely-known approach called 'focusing; and the essence of Beck's approach not rational emotive therapy which I consider subjective and ethnocentric as well as time-bound.
The aspect that I like about behaviorism is its practical quality. Studies e. Life, it seems to me, is absorbed with 'doing'; rather than' being', and my observations of successful and content people shows that, oftentimes, the most emotionally and mentally…. Gendlin, ET Focusing Univ. At the end of the day, arguments are just opinions, but if you can back that opinion up with UN-arguable evidence, then you have won. How have I learned to investigate without bias to produce a comprehensive view of a topic? There are several methods that I have learned during this course that have helped me produce an unbiased, comprehensive view of a topic.
Furthermore, ill list each of these methods in the order that I have used them when writing my essays. The first method of three, is to ask questions, rather than making assumptions. This is important, because often, the assumptions we make turn out to be wrong or in some cases offensive. Asking questions before assuming, allowed me to get more clarity on a subject and come up with a more definitive conclusion. One example I can bring up, is when we were discussing lowering the NYPD budget during class. You see, this topic never really made sense to me, as I was under the assumption that lowering the NYPD budget would just result in an increase in crime.
In short, it is always best to ask questions before assuming. Furthermore, if you ask a question which includes stereotypes or your own opinion, it will most likely inhibit the answer that you receive because the other party may have taken offense to what you have said. One of the ways I made sure to ask questions objectively as possible, was by correcting any unchecked bias I may have had, so that I could get the most accurate response when asking questions. The last step I use in producing a comprehensive view of a topic is using double entry notes to further analyze my thoughts. Using double entry notes allowed me to fully understand my analysis of a subject, prior to writing the essay. This ultimately allowed me to create compelling arguments that had cohesiveness throughout as well as made me a better social scientist.
What have I learned about the importance of issues that marginalized communities face? For example, I was absolutely disgusted when I learned marginalized communities are literally exploited by cigarette and alcohol companies through increased advertisement in these neighborhoods. Often, marginalized communities live along side a system which only purpose is to break the individuals of that community down. Being a social scientist, allowed me to understand how communities are marginalized against and the importance of offering the same privileges and advantages to the people all around us, not based on skin color or race, but on a human level where everyone matters.
I think that my personal experiences Personal Experience Personal Growth and Development Self Assessment. This was a revolutionary theory in that time, since behavioral and psychoanalysis theories dominated in that period. Behaviorism has perceived man as an empty organism that is constantly under the influence of external factors, Self Assessment Self Esteem. Introduction The HEXACO Personality Inventory is a six-dimensional model of human personality that is constructed by Ashton A lot of researchers did make use of the Big Five framework since , but now many researchers make use of this newer HEXACO-PI-R model. This instrument Personality Self Assessment.
I am a calm person who loves history, has traits of different cultures, a bit of a mystery kind of modern with a little adventure but with a lot to offer. Not saying am bipolar. Am diverse with a split personality that offers the best Introduction Consider a health behavior that you find yourself as well as family and friends engaging in smoking, unhealthy eating, stress management, going to the doctor. Based on your readings, describe and analyze how your health beliefs have related to this behavior? Analyze and discuss Healthy Lifestyle Self Assessment. With this section, it instructed me that my primary learning style is the perused and compose learning style. By and by, that is gainful to me. Learning Styles Motivation Self Assessment. This means that I am good at working hard, respecting the chain of command, working with routines, and being very detailed when it comes to my Self-Assessment had been so correct.
The Merkler found me to have an artistic, social, and investigative ASI personality, scoring 75, 74, and 72 respectively. The results proved A recent study by McCrindle Research showed that after leaving school, the average Australian will have 17 employers from the age of 18 to retirement. Kolb came up with a theory that has widely been used today. In his study, he came up with the theory of learning cycle which states that we learn from the experience that we gather from our day to day activities. In that sense, the
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