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Classical conditioning essay

Classical conditioning essay

Newman and Philip assert that a conditioned response is only established to the degree that there is a meaningful relationship between the classical conditioning essay stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus. My Experiences Of Classical And Operant Conditioning Essay. I propose to use classical conditioning theory to train my friend to stop smoking in my house altogether by making him associate smoking to an unpleasant blaring noise, classical conditioning essay. The main type being specific phobias which are generally influenced by genetics or a traumatic childhood event. Select a referencing style:.

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Home — Essay Samples — Psychology — Psychological Theories — Classical Conditioning. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essays on Classical Conditioning. Essay examples. My Experiences of Classical and Operant Conditioning word 1 Page. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which one links two or more stimuli and foresee events. A moment in my life where I was influenced by classical conditioning was when I had to get vaccinated. Since I was a little girl, I have Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning. Classical conditioning is a theory of learning that was discovered by Ivan Pavlov. According to the theory, a new behavior is learned through the process of association.

According to the theory mentioned above, classical conditioning essay, two or more stimuli are paired to produce a response. The output Classical Conditioning. Another form of conditioning is called operant conditioning. This type of study refers to a method of learning that occurs using rewards and punishments to adjust behaviors. Basically, through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. Each classical conditioning essay, people are conditioned classical conditioning essay even realizing it.

This may include being productive at work to avoid losing a job or associating a gas station with anger because it is right next to that one light that never turns green. Whatever it may be, No one can deny that learning is a very deep concept, and each person have a different overview about it, because it is related to how did every person learned. In simple words the way or the methods that they classical conditioning essay from, classical conditioning essay. Furthermore, we classical conditioning essay Classical Conditioning Theory. Question 1 Classical conditioning involves critical focus on a learning process based on a sustained focus on key underlying activity. It involves automatic responses based on underlying action that an individual is able to associate it to another crucial resultant issue.

Therefore when considering this Behaviorism Classical Conditioning. Conditioning is something that fascinates me. It is a teaching practice that was pioneered by a man named Ivan Pavlov in the s, classical conditioning essay. The form of conditioning that Pavlov studied is known as classical conditioning, classical conditioning essay. Classical conditioning is the process of pairing a neutral stimulus, Classical Conditioning Teaching. A theory is a formal idea or set of ideas that is meant to explain something. Learning Theories are conceptual frames that describe the manner in which the information is learned, processed and held during learning. Usually, the same content can classical conditioning essay presented in classical conditioning essay Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Social Learning Theory.

He classical conditioning essay about this phenomenon while studying the secretion of stomach acids and salivation in dogs in response to the ingestion of different kinds of food. His study showed that the mere sight Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning HVAC is a huge field, classical conditioning essay. HVAC systems include a range from the simplest hand-stoked stove, used for comfort2 Fundamentals of HVAC heating, to the extremely reliable total air-conditioning systems found in submarines and space shuttles. Cooling equipment varies from the Air Conditioner Classical Conditioning.

Conformity and conditioning is a type of social influence. It is a change in belief or behaviour in order to fit into a group. Classical conditioning essay example of group pressures includes persuasion and bullying. Normative conformity occurs Classical Conditioning Conformity. John B. Watson the Father of American Behaviorist was one of those scientists who studied this field. Classical Conditioning Research Theory. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Motivation Essays Morality Essays Perception Essays Problem Solving Essays Procrastination Essays Archetype Essays Bias Essays Body Image Essays Forensic Psychology Essays Individual Essays. Top 10 Similar Topics Emotional Intelligence Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Self Concept Operant Conditioning Behaviorism Attachment Theory The Bystander Effect Conflict Resolution Theory Psychoanalytic Theory Birth Order.

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This results in a behavioral change in the drinker so long as the association between pain and drinking holds. Other factors affect the strength of the conditioned reflex created through classical conditioning. These factors are reinforcement and extinction. Reinforcement is whereby the relationship between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned response is strengthened through repeated association Salkind, Extinction is the process by which a conditioned response is lost due to lack of reinforcement.

As has been illustrated in the above paragraphs, classical conditioning theory can be used to help someone learn or unlearn a habit. In my specific situation, I aim to use classical conditioning to make a friend unlearn a habit I find unacceptable in my house. My friend always smokes in my living room despite my numerous calls for him to stop this habit. I propose to use classical conditioning theory to train my friend to stop smoking in my house altogether by making him associate smoking to an unpleasant blaring noise. Before conditioning, the irritating blaring sound is a neutral stimulus. Newman and Philip note that such a stimulus on its own elicits a response of interest or attention but nothing more.

Cigarettes are an unconditioned stimulus that evokes a natural reaction resulting in smoking from my friend. My classical conditioning implementation will, therefore, involve pairing the irritating blaring music with smoking. As such, cigarettes will become the conditioned stimulus for the anticipation of an irritating noise whenever my friend is in my house. For this to work, I will have to make my friend associate two different events smoking and the blaring sounds with each other. I shall, therefore, ensure that each time my friend starts smoking in my house, I shall turn the irritating blaring sounds on.

Once my friend has finished smoking, I shall turn to noises off. Newman and Philip assert that a conditioned response is only established to the degree that there is a meaningful relationship between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus. This means that the NS and US must occur together many times before conditioning is established. For this reason, I shall make sure that I continue will this activity turning on the blaring noise as soon as smoking begins indefinitely. With repeated association of the NS blaring noise and the US cigarettes , the blaring noise will become a conditioned stimulus and will be associated with smoking, which will now become the conditioned response. As such, my friend will relate cigarette smoking in my house to loud irritating noises, and for this reason, he will stop smoking to avoid experiencing the irritating noises which he will have grown to associate with cigarettes.

To avoid this conditioning from becoming extinct, I would keep on reinforcing the relationship between the blaring noise and smoking so as to strengthen the association in my friend. Levin, D. Introduction to Alcoholism Counseling: a Bio-Psycho-Social Approach. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Classical Conditioning. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents.

Introduction Describe the theory of classical conditioning Scenario for Classical Conditioning Application Implementation Results References Conditioning Chart. Learn More. One substance which was of particular interest to him was saliva. He became intrigued as to what stimuli influenced the production of saliva. Pavlov based his study on dogs and was able to measure the amount of saliva produced by connecting a tube to their salivary ducts Mazur, After a few times the dogs became experienced and began to salivate even before the food powder was placed in their mouths.

He decided to control this phenomenon. He came up with an experiment using an inexperienced dog and sounding a bell each time just before the dog was given the food powder. After 12 or so of these sessions the food powder was no longer needed for the production of saliva as the sound itself was enough. Pavlov showed that salvation can be elicited by a new learned stimulus CS so salvation n becomes a conditional response CR. He studied this type of learning for the rest of his life, which is now called classical conditioning Martin et al. According to Martin et al, classical conditioning accomplishes 2 functions. First, is the ability to learn to recognize stimuli that may predict when an important event is about to occur so it enables the learner to respond faster and more effectively.

This ability would be extremely important for people with phobias as this allows them to avoid their feared stimuli or event. For example, with a person who is afraid of spiders arachnophobia and has seen a web, their main reaction would be to get away from the area as quick as possible as the web would initiate that there is a spider nearby. For example, we would respond more positively to a stack of gold bricks then to a stack of concrete bricks. Acquisition is the main reason why phobias develop. According to Martin et al, a single pairing of the CS with UCS is not generally enough for a learned response to take place. Therefore this shows that a small event which does not affect the person does not create a phobia.

Acquisition is the learning phase of classical conditioning, during which the CS gradually increases in frequency or strength. The main two factors that are associated with the development of a phobia learned by classical conditioning are intensity and timing. If there is a great amount of pain associated with the stimuli the person will learn quickly to fear the stimuli and in severe cases even develop a phobia. The second factor is timing of the CS and the UCS; if they both occur in close timing of one another the person is more likely to develop a fear of the stimuli. Extinction of the feared event can occur when the CS occurs many times with the UCS to get rid of the CR, thus the CS will no longer elicit the CR. Indirect conditioning also influences the onset of phobias.

Generalisation is one such way in which a CR can be elicited indirectly. When certain stimuli are alike the CS and are able to elicit the CR this is called generalisation. For example if a person had a bad experience with a dog and now fears that dog, it is likely they will be afraid of all types of dogs. Vicarious conditioning is also another main process in which people develop phobias indirectly. For instance, if someone hears or reads about a story which is of an unpleasant event described in detail that imaginary event that we would picture as we hear or read the event UCS can provide imaginary stimuli CSs that can lead to real life conditional responses CRs.

Martin et al, Another example that would most commonly occur today is if a parent has a fear of cats their child may witness their fearful response and therefore the child can develop a phobia with being exposed to a traumatic event involving a cat. One of the most famous examples of an experiment and how classical conditioning principles can develop phobias is that of Little Albert. This experiment was carried out by John B. Watson carried out his experiment on a 9 month old bay called Albert who had no fear of rats. Watson found when he struck a steel bar the sound that came from it startled little Albert. He then repeated this but the second time placed a rat with Albert.

Watson repeated this about seven times and then presented the rat by itself and Little Albert became distressed. He was then shown similar object and the initial conditioned response was generalised to some of the similar objects such as a rabbit and dog. Martin et al, , pg Systematic desensitization is generally used to get rid of phobias. If the exposure is repeated several times, the stimulus progressively loses its ability to evoke anxiety. From this essay it is clear that classical conditioning principles strongly influence the development of phobias using many key factors.

From the extract of Joseph Wolpe it gives a clear understanding how his understanding concept of counter conditioning is used to desensitize phobias. Essex; England. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson Education.

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